Chapter Five: Alisha

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As usual, I leapt without thinking.

I fucking hate men. Hours later, I’m still at a loss as to what the fuck happened between George and me. It started as a kiss and quickly moved to something I didn’t expect to need the way I did. I was blind to anything but him, desperate for a single touch, overwhelmed and clinging to him like my life depended on it.

And then the magical experience ended with him telling me I was basically a whore before he walked out to see his jackass of a boss. All that talk of defending the weak out of a sense of honor, his pissed off act when he thought I was judging him, the fact he saved my life … it had to be a play at my emotions.

Who the fuck is this guy? Because he’s not what he seems. He pleasured me with gentleness I never experienced from Tony and unlike anything I expected from the man I nicknamed Super Dick.

“It really is a terrible nickname, Alisha.” Too accurate, given the size of his cock.

I glance around quickly to make sure no one heard me. Fortunately, I’m alone in the computer room he tried to lock me out of. Managing my emotions is not a strength, and I’m torn between complete humiliation at how quickly I surrendered to him in bed, and fury that I even let myself get that far with him, when I fully know better.

George is just … god he drives me insane, more so now than before! Sexy, strong, calm with a fun sense of humor and sometimes, honor. He’s also a remorseless murderer, a philanderer, a user and a criminal.

He’s the most incredibly sexy, vexing and intriguing man I’ve ever known. It’s like my ability to think disappears when it comes to him, and my insides start cartwheeling and somersaulting in anticipation of smelling or touching him.

“Focus!” I almost shout the word. My mind is spinning. My skin still smells like him. Unlike with Tony, I couldn’t muster the urge to scrub off George’s scent. Because I like it. Because it comforts me.

Because it reminds me he’s a total, sociopathic, murdering dick.

He’s driving me crazy. “Stop, Alisha!” With a sigh, I stand and pace. “Natalie needs me.”

The reminder of my friend pierces the chaos of my thoughts, and I stop in front of the frame I’ve had displayed for the past hour on all the monitors.

Hassan’s partner. That is the key. I’ve watched Natalie’s kidnapping enough times that I no longer cry when I see it, but I’m not yet able to find any clue that will help me track her.

I’ve hacked the shit out of George’s system, only to discover the Trojan virus I fed it yesterday did a damn good job. He can’t go online, and he’ll need at least one new hard drive. I’m pissed at myself more, knowing I could be further ahead, if one of us had a system capable of working the way it should.

We let this get personal and in doing so, destroyed each other’s ability to help Natalie. Not that we had any way of knowing this was going to happen. I should have, given my horrible, horrible luck.

He’s got the rest of his equipment and systems pretty well locked down. I dug up information about Hassan stored on internal databases. The man’s been through some super freaky, spy school type training. But even he has to have a cell phone on him. A GPS tracker on his car. Something! All I need is one tiny, tiny lead, and I can rip this mystery open and hunt him down.

“What do we know, aside from the fact George and his boss are total assholes?” I ask out loud and begin pacing. “Someone else was tracking Natalie to know she was alone in the garage. George is an absolute asshole, but he is good at his job.” Unfortunately. I want to hate him and end up respecting how good he is. There’s more evidence on his system of how thorough and experienced he is at protecting people.“His security men were present in the lobby but swept the garage before going stationary. No one could’ve set up an ambush more than half an hour in advance.”

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