- C H A P T E R * * T H I R T Y F I V E -

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Author's Note: Warning, there's a sexual moment between two boys. If you're not comfortable, you can skip that part. But as I know some of you are raging homosexual and homosexual lovers, feel free to read as I know you'd skip this author's note anyway. Hahaha.

Twitter: JMSenar
Instagram: JMSenar



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Isaiah had been watching porn.

It was finally November where it would start raining or snowing. While the weather in Maine was cold, it was a pain in the ass for him when end of October reached because that's the time it would start getting colder. Isaiah wasn't a big fan of cold as he had to wear a lot of clothes and thick jackets to keep himself warm. Although there were heaters in the house, and there was a heater in the shower, it wasn't enough sometimes.

And just like any other guys out there, he sorted to watching porn and jerking himself off as that was an effective way to keep himself warm. But this time, it wasn't because he wanted to feel warm or anything. He was getting ideas – ideas because he didn't know how to do it with a guy. Sure he had sexual experience with a girl, but it was different for same-sex.

Isaiah wanted to do it with Chad, but he didn't know how it would start in the first place. First off, porn settings were bad enough, so that wasn't an option. Second, asking explicitly would be quite awkward. Third, if he were to drop hints, he didn't know how Chad would react. Isaiah could setup a romantic getaway for them, but the weather was going to be bad and that would be a big risk.

Additionally, he wasn't going to do it under the same house with his dad and Sarah still in the house. His dad worked 8 hours a day while Sarah spent her day in the house, and he doubted Chad would agree to do it with him while his mother was in the same house doing chores. That reminded him the porn he was watching.

It wasn't actually a straight porn, but rather a gay porn.

It was really awkward for him, and he was uncomfortable. The dude was slamming into the small dude, and the receiver's face contorted somewhere between pleasure and pain, and just by looking at it, Isaiah thought it was painful. But at the same time, he couldn't let go of the image of Chad wreathing underneath him as he screamed his name. It was enough to send him over the edge. He closed the browser, cleared the history, and turned off his phone. Isaiah really wanted Chad, and now that it was cold season in Maine, he wanted to get warmed up with Chad. He could think of million ways to pleasure his boyfriend. Of course, he was no saint. Just like any other teenager, he was having lewd thoughts and he was horny sometimes. Well, that was a lie. He was horny most of the time. It just so happened that he was too caught up in the changes in his life these past few weeks that he had barely enough time to be horny.

But now that he had a boyfriend, and they had already done something naughty, of course he was back to his old self. He was back to being a horny son of a bitch, and he wondered if Chad was the teenager who was curious as to how sex felt like.

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