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"I can't, I just can't hold on to this anymore. My head is busting, my lungs are beating, palms are scarred, and my heart just can't beat anymore!". Heaving heavily, as he rushed down the stairs, with steps racing faster than his heartbeat, his mom calling him n number of times, but to no avail.

As he reached the end, finally pausing and gaining hold of his surroundings, crouched on his knees, and sat there pondering. Slapped himself hard, in a soliloquy, "I am a total waste. I just don't deserve peace. The past few days posed a serious challenge to my imprisoned self. This prison has something really magnetic to it. But, she has more magnetism than what this prison offered. But, I wanna be captivated. By whom, I don't know."

His mom overheard whatever she just said and came and sat with him. What could be more asphyxiating for a mother seeing her son imprisoned and fighting something she wished he never would. She tried holding her in her arms, but she would just drift away. Right now, he wished herself dead : or something more that would make him feel his pain every minute.

His mother, in a meekly voice, "you are every inch of my body. I made you. You need not be so strong. It's okay to feel weak and sleep in my arms. I have always craved your inner child. Your mere absence makes me feel suffocated. Can you favor me the damaged child? I'll fix everything. Isn't my love worth the damaged soul?"

He had tears gushing down his eyes. He knew the magic can make him electric. He knew his mother can fix everything. He knew that girl will always stay. But he just can't give up on his ghosts. But he also had a very vivid picture about the aftermath. He had a careful analysis about the record of wreckage he had.

Turning to his mother at last, "mother, leave me alone. You deserve better. A better son. I am imprisoned. There's no way I can escape this. This asphyxia is enduring and makes me hollow enough to sustain. You are too heavenly and so don't waste yourself on me. Let me go!"

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