Part 5- The happiest day of my life.

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A/N: So I promised if my story got two more votes, I'd update, and here we are....6 votes! Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. ;) I hope you're excited to find out what Harrison Crawford, the hottest guy in school would need from the...well, 'awkwardest' girl in school, AND we STILL don't know WHO the stranger is. ;) I'd also like to apologize for my bad setup...I don't know why it does that. :/ ENJOY!


Previously on 'The good, the bad...and the 'awkward'. :

"But to be completely honest about it, that's not what I'm here all."

He leaned forward, only two inches from my face. What could Harrison Crawford need from ME?

That wasn't what Harrison was here for...Go figure. What WAS he here for. I felt slightly

uncomfortable, but still extremely curious. Though I did move my head backwards just slightly.

"What are you here for Harrison?" I asked, but my words got extremely tangled coming from my mouth, and that in turn caused my face to light on fire. "I'm here to ask you a question."

"Ask ME a question?" "You." He stated while nodding his head up and down.

"Cut the crap Delanie, you know what your feelings are." He stared me in the eyes.

Wait, WHAT.

"Harrison...what...what are you talking about? What feelings?" I felt my face grow even hotter, and wished I could extinguish it.

"Delanie! You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pretend like you don't."

"Wait...I'm very confused." I sputtered out. Man I wish I were more graceful.

That's when the most shocking thing I have and probably WILL ever experience...happened.

Harrison Crawford grabbed my hand and got down on...well BOTH knees, but still.

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness gracious. Harrison Crawford was going to propose to

me on the cafeteria floor of our crappy, smelly old high school. I'd spoken to him for less

than one hour, and here he was. THIS ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE.

"Delanie Andrews. Will my girlfriend?"

Whew...Wait WHAT?

"What'd you say?"

I was beyond shocked. I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS.

"I said: Will you be my girlfriend?" He raised his eyebrow. (I'd had enough brow raising for today).

Will I be his girlfriend? Would I? SHOULD I?

In the ten seconds I sat there, I contemplated my life as a teenager. I'd never had a boy friend. I think I've always just assumed I'd be completely single till I reached my mid thirties where I would proceed to marry a very overweight man with curly hair.

But here we were. The hottest boy in school, asking me in the most romantic way possible to be his girlfriend. I could hardly believe it.

"Will you?"

Before I could stop myself...or even question what I was doing: I replied.


"Good!" He laughed. "The floor was getting very uncomfortable."

He pulled himself up, and proceeded, In a very loud voice to announce to the entire

cafeteria that I was his girl. I'd never felt more important.

I not only felt popular, I felt like a Queen. Like the Alpha's Luna!

Okay, I'll admit...that sounded cheesier than I intended, but you can't blame me.

I stopped short however, when something I seemed to have flown right over hit me smack in the face.


What on earth are his reasons for wanting to date me?

I surveyed my wardrobe choice for that day. Ripped jeans, some childish striped, purple turtle neck and tan combat boots. My tangled blonde hair (which reached the back of my shoulders) hadn't been trimmed in years.

My face was completely devoid of makeup....I'm confused.

I stopped grinning like an idiot for a moment and considered the source.

"What's wrong babe?"

I looked up at Harrison. "Could to you for a moment?"

I can't believe I was asking Harrison Crawford for a favor...I think if I was his GIRLFRIEND now I should at least have that honor.

"Course!" He replied. He followed me till we were standing next to the vending machine. His body a tad bit closer than was comfortable for me.

"What's up babe?"


That's what I would have said if I wasn't a sniveling, spineless creature used to being stepped on by others, but as it stands, I AM a sniveling, spineless creature...and I'm always stepped on...occasionally by real, live feet. So instead I asked what this was all about.

"What's what about?"

"Well...all this...stuff. It's a little sdudde...Oh crap. SUDDEN. Don't you think?"

My face turned even redder as I corrected my little screw up.

"Why...I didn't think so. I've always been very attracted to you. Why do you think I sat beside you in history class?" He had a point. I had thought it very odd that he chose that seat.

"But I don't understand...why ME?" I couldn't bring myself to state that I was unattractive. I had more pride than that.

"Because...YOU are different than the other girls. I'm sick of their drama. You have sense. A good head on your shoulders. I find you charming. I wouldn't have it any other way."

I stared up into his eyes and found them full of honesty. I was falling in love...I think.

He was getting closer and closer to my face, that's when I involuntarily stepped back and crashed my heel into the vending machine.

Tens to thousands of profanities ensued, which I will not mention here. But they'd be enough to make a sailor blush.

Harrison seemed unfazed by my painful encounter with the machine.

He squeezed my arm and whispered something that made me blush.

"Meet me on the bleachers tomorrow during cheer leading practice."

Then he walked away, back to his usual table.

I followed him with my eyes, admiring his body the entire way.

I could have hugged myself with joy, but waited till I reached the restroom.

Once there, I jumped up and down like a little girl getting a new toy.

I wouldn't die an old maid.

I don't know if any of you understand how happy this makes me.

Seeing my face in the mirror brought me back down to earth with so many questions, the main one being: Why me?

Right at that moment the bathroom door swung open, much to my horror revealing....


A/N: Muahahaha. How's THAT for a cliffhanger?! I've reached 6 votes on my story. If I can get that to the grand old total of EIGHT I will gladly update more in the story. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support I'm getting from you guys. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Loads and loads of love- Iz

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