t w e n t y - n i n e : d a t e

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Marigold had curled and re-curled her hair twice. She was beginning to detect a burnt smell and decided that this was the best she could do for her date.

"Wear this!" Ophelia said, brandishing an overly frilly pink dress from Marigold's closet that she'd worn three Easters ago.

"Oh, yes, please look like the underside of a Mardi Gras float," Birdie said, lying on her stomach as she read a book. She'd recovered from her illness--or whatever it was--in less than a day after she woke up. Rose had called it a miracle, but Birdie knew she wasn't exactly "sick" to begin with. And yet, she was still confined to her room for the time being

"Well what do you suggest?" Marigold asked, smoothing out her slip and placing another bobby pin in her hair for good measure.

"The red cardigan with the light yellow skirt," Birdie replied instantly, not looking up from her book. "It'll match the roses in Wyatt's garden. If, of course, they haven't died yet, in which case, wear something black."

Marigold quirked an eyebrow. "Huh. I like that idea." As she shuffled through her drawers, she said, "I know you hate romance, but you sure do have a knack for it."

"I like it for other people, just not for me," Birdie said. "Not that Wyatt will notice. The presidents on Mount Rushmore and Wyatt's brain are made up of the same thing, but you'll look nice."

Marigold laughed as she pushed her arms through the cardigan. "Don't be so hard on him, Birdie. I know you secretly care for him."

"I care for everything," Birdie muttered. "Caterpillars, plants, goats. Your point?"

Ophelia twirled around and held out a pearl necklace inherited from their grandmother. "This!"

"Ope," Marigold sighed, "this is just a casual thing. I've been on plenty of one-time dates. They're just a bit of fun."

"This is just a one-time date?" Ophelia asked, stopping mid-twirl. "But...it's Wyatt."

Now Birdie looked up from her book, her sarcastic grin gone completely and replaced by a distinct frown. "Please tell me this isn't just a fling for you."

Marigold blinked in confusion. "I mean...I like Wyatt and I'll admit I have a crush on him. But I'm sixteen. How could I expect something like this to last?"

"Mom and Dad met when they were fifteen," Ophelia said quietly, looking down at the floorboards.

Birdie opened her mouth, but then, miraculously, decided to close it. She didn't want to ruin Marigold's date. But it burned her up inside, nonetheless. Why couldn't Marigold just take one relationship seriously? And whatever happened between the two of them happened between all four of them. Still, Birdie said nothing. Instead, she suggested, "Wear the pearls. They match your blouse."


Marigold picked up Wyatt in town. Dusk settled on the small town of Nowhere and it proved to be the strangest, most peaceful time of day.

Everyone had gone home from work to allow Main Street a breath of fresh air. Usually, there would be ghosts wandering through buildings or down the dusty roads, almost glittering in the evening backlight.

Except now there were no ghosts. Now, it just felt empty.

"None of them have showed up in the clearing, either," Wyatt said as he climbed into the passenger's seat of the Ford, not even offering a hello or an extra glance at Marigold's appearance. She tried not to be offended.

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