Chapter Four - Helping Hands

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During the breakfast feast, Kalle was asking Zachary and Anna about earth.

"What are the humans like back on earth?" asked Kalle.

"There are good humans and bad humans, but the good ones like us fight harder to keep this planet safe. It's even more important that we find a way to create a cure to save humanity from this virus that could bring us to extinction if we don't stop it." Zachary replied.

"Is the water on earth blue like ours?"

"It is blue, even the ocean has beautiful sea creatures underwater." said Anna.

"Kalle, don't forget that you have go gather fruit in the woods after breakfast. I'll let you play the simulator again if you get enough fruit today." said Ladi.

"Of course, mom." said Kalle.

"Can Anna and I come with Kalle to help her gather some fruit? Figured we should help you and your people out since you and Kalle helped us when we escaped." said Zachary.

"Of course, you can help Kalle with her chore. Be very careful though, there are patrols in the forest that the leader has been sending to search for us and kill us all ever since we escaped from the city. There are also dangerous creatures out there, don't use your weapons unless you have to, Kalle knows every hiding spot in the woods in case patrols are nearby. Good luck and stay safe, all three of you." said Ladi.

"We will." said Anna.

After breakfast, Zachary and Anna followed Kalle towards the path of where the fruits are in the woods. They brought backpacks with them since they would be easy to carry and keep the fruit safe. The last stack of fruit that they have to collect before going back to the base was on top of a tree and they were out of reach. Kalle focused strongly towards the stack of fruit at the top. Suddenly, they were floating towards the ground and dropped gently to the ground.

"How did you do that?" asked Zachary.

"It's part of the abilities that my people are born with. I like to use this ability when it comes to items that are out of reach or make the lights explode while hiding." Kalle replied.

They heard a twig snap. Hearing that kind of noise is never a good sign. It had to be the patrols that Ladi warned them about.

"Follow me, we'll find a safe place to hide." said Kalle.

They followed Kalle towards a cave behind the waterfall, they stayed quiet as they watched the members of the patrols looked around the area for any members of the rebellion that are wandering around the woods. They were relieved when the patrols went away. Zachary and Anna noticed that Kalle is heading towards the pathway leading towards the deeper path of the cave.

"Follow me, there's something I want to show you." said Kalle.

They turned on their flashlights as they followed Kalle towards the deeper and darkest part of the cave. To their surprise, there were petroglyphs on the walls. Zachary remembered when he learned about petroglyphs in history class, he always thought that it was interesting that his ancestors used to carve pictures on a wall during the prehistoric times. As they examine the petroglyphs, they realized that the drawings are telling them some kind of story.

"When I first came here while trying to escape from patrols, I was pretty surprised to discover these drawings. I once read about a man during the ancient times of this planet who had an ability to see the future, he started carving those drawings in a cave every day as he started seeing new events in the future. After he finished his last carving, he died. No one found his body and his carvings were never discovered. But I guess I was the first one to discover it."

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