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Pineapple doesn't belong in pizza.

"Bokuto, quit taking my food!" Misaki smacked his arm away from her plate. "This pizza party was for the girls anyway!"

"Yeah well we were rooting for you, so we tagged along!" Bokuto said, making up an excuse.

"Kenma, Kuroo, and Akaashi can stay!" Misaki bickered. "This is a buffet anyway! Go get more food!"

Your friends laughed as they watched Misaki and Bokuto fight. You and Kenma were stuck in the arcade with Hinata and Tsukishima, trying to win a prize.

"You're not gonna win it. These things are rigged." Tsukishima explained.

"Shut up, Saltyshima!" Hinata hissed as he focused on the claw machine. Meanwhile, Kenma was watching you as you played Space Invaders.

"You...beat the high score." Kenma pointed to the screen. You grinned. "Easy." You beamed. You gave each other a fist bump as you moved onto the next game.

"You four. The dining area. Eat. Now." Kuroo popped his head around the corner. You all groaned.
"We were about to." Kenma muttered.

"What the heck is that?" Kayla pointed to the pizza on Kageyama's plate. "It's called pineapple."

"You the fruit?" Kayla asked, a disgusted look on her face.

"You're not allowed to judge, little Miss.Broken Fingers." Kageyama teased. Kayla growled as she attempted to grab his collar from across the table, but BB held her back.

"Pineapple does not belong on pizza." Rin shivered.

"Agreed." Asahi shivered.

"What? It's amazing!" Suga defended. You sat at the table in between Kenma and Akaashi. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Here." Kuroo snatched a piece of pizza from Kageyama's plate. "Eat this."

"Don't even look at it. Just try it." Noya suggested.

You hesitantly closed your eyes as you took the piece of pizza. You took a bite, a burst of weird flavors erupting in your mouth. Your eyes opened, alarmed.

Akaashi held out a napkin as you spit the food into it. "What the heck is that?"

"It's Hawaiian pizza! You know, with the pineapple!? Aren't you Hawaiian?" Bokuto asked.

"Yes, but Hawaiian pizza doesn't actually come from Hawaii. It's from Canada." You mumbled, Akaashi crumpling the chewed up food-filled napkin and chucking it at Bokuto.

"Did you like it?"

"I would never eat that again unless I was forcing fed." You paled, washing down the taste with a cup of water. They laughed.

"I would like to make a cheers!" BB stood up out of her seat, holding a cup of soda. The table quieted down.

"This whole match started because of our rivalry with the boys teams. Tsukishima, who I mainly despised because he was a living Regina George, was the main reason for my disliking to the team."

You and your friends giggled. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"And I think I can speak for most of my team when I say we were a tad bit jealous of the boys team receiving all the attention. But after our game...I can easily say...they deserve to go to Nationals. All of you are extremely talented at volleyball, and so hope you'll represent Karasuno for us!"

The table clapped. "But just know, the girls will be going to Nationals next year!"

"Cheers!" The girls cheered.

"I would like to speak too." Hinata stood up out of his seat. He held up his cup and turned to you. "I wanted to praise the girls team. We underestimated you guys...a lot. But you surprised us all, especially your secret weapon. So, cheers to a talented girls' volleyball team!"

"Cheers!" You all clinked your glasses with each other.

You smiled as everyone got along, laughing and chatting about random things over pizza.

Thank god this stupid rivalry is over.

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