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Kinoshita looked bored.

You honestly had no idea why he came over to your house--you had the impression the two of you were merely in a business relationship, which wasn't enough to warrant a visit to your home.

'Maybe he wants to be my friend...?'

You internally shook your head. You two had lived similar lives, which was natural, as you both were rich kids, but that didn't mean he enjoyed your company. If anything, he probably disliked you, as you were very cold and uncooperating with him.

"Come on, entertain me," he whined, hunching over, as he stared at the black TV screen. Your eye twitched at his entitlement, your expression looking cold and irked. Standing up to face the red eyed boy, you crossed your arms confidently.

"If you're bored, then feel free to leave."

But what he did next was much more unexpected than him randomly coming over to your house--he pulled you onto his lap, his expression not changing slightly despite his actions.

"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked him, trying your hardest to maintain a stoic expression and to not laugh at Kinoshita.

'What a loser,' you thought to yourself, internally sneering.

Kinoshita sighed, pushing you off his lap and standing up. "Your reaction wasn't funny at all... I'm leaving," he turned around, not wasting the opportunity to give you a small glare, as he walked to your front door. You didn't bother seeing him out.


Everything was black.

You could only see the vague silhouette of three people, but you couldn't even tell if they were people, with how blurry and undefined they seemed, like they were a mile away from you.

Slowly, the figure farthest to your left crumbled into pieces, screaming in agony. You couldn't see them close enough to determine whether or not they were bleeding, but you were 99% sure they were losing a lot of blood.

The next person in the middle was visibly trembling, as a hole formed in their chest. They let out a blood curdling scream, like that of a girl, scratching at the large hole, like they were trying to hide it from you.

'Snap. Snap. Snap.'

You hesitantly looked to the right, and heard what sounded like bones cracking. It sounded slow, like the person was suffering a drawn out death, on purpose. They raised their head high, before their screams stopped and they stood there. It didn't look like they bled at all...

At that point, you were well aware whatever going on was a dream, but you seemed unable to stop it. You weren't sure of what the dream meant, if it meant anything at all, but you were hopeful you would remember the dream in case it was.


You woke up, inexplicably anxious. You couldn't recall what you had dreamed of, but you assumed it was some type of childish nightmare. Maybe it was because you weren't sleeping enough...?

Sighing, you got dressed in your school uniform, glaring at the red blazer you had to wear, as a member of the student council.

You walked downstairs, to see no one. Your father must already be at work, then, which made you feel happy. Normally you had to see the bastard and it ruined your day.

You turned the news on, going to the fridge to get breakfast. There was a small yogurt container, which you grabbed.

"Officials say the young Hikaru (L/N) was dismembered, and tossed into Shinano river, with an estimated time of death at 5:00 PM. The police force is offering a cash reward for anyone who can provide information of the murder--" the newswoman spoke, in a monotone voice.

"Holy shit..." You gasped, dropping the yogurt container on the floor.

You had only left Hikaru at 4:00 PM... how did someone kill him only an hour after you had left him alone?

"I shouldn't have left him alone... Damn Kinoshita, forcing me to go home..."

Now your cousin was fucking dead. Shit.

You nervously put the yogurt back inside the fridge, calling your father. It rang five times before he picked up.

"I'm at work, what is it?" He grumbled, his dissatisfaction clear even behind a phone.

"Hikaru died. Didn't you see the news?" You spoke, focusing all your energy on keeping your voice calm, neglecting your horrified expression.

You were put on hold for a few minutes, before your dad returned, speaking in a lower voice than usual. "I'll let you use the limo for your route to school."

Feeling satisfied with your father's answer, you exchanged goodbyes (but not any "I love you" type goodbyes), and hung up.

This was bad. Real bad.


Yokoyama was feeling confused. After following you, he had seen that ugly brown haired boy flirting with you, but it turned out he was just your cousin...?

Is that why you hadn't come to student council, then?

'This isn't fair. I do (Y/N) a favor, and she ignores me? She even got a driver, so I can't protect her while she walks home,' Yokoyama thought to himself.

Even though Yokoyama had been thoroughly offended by your actions, he was still set on protecting you from the people around you.

Now he knew. You were his special person.

He had never done this for Imai, and despite how cold you were to him, he knew you felt the same way, or else why would you treat him like this? 

All he had to do was get rid of all those annoying pests taking all your attention away, and then you would naturally go to him! It was a fool-proof plan.

First death! Don't worry, there will be quite a few more of those ^^, also, was the foreshadowing too obvious? Even though you can probably guess who's gonna die next, I hope you start finding this a lot more interesting~

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