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"This flower blooms only once a year," The pretty lady in a maid outfit touches a green plant among the bunch. "and when it does," She continues. "it's usually so bright, shiny, and very beautiful." She opens her arms to highlight the effect.

I exclaim as I gape at the dull flower. "Really? That's so cool!"

She sends me a warm smile, agreeing, "Yes, it is very cool."

I squat, and with my hands on my knees, I study the flower. No matter how I see it, it's just green, green, and green. To think something as plain as this, could be beautiful, totally baffles me.

"Come," She extends her hand. "There's something I want you to see."

I take her hand and I stand. I straighten my floral gown with my other hand, dusting way any particle that might have fallen on it. It wasn't everyday I got a new dress, so I took great care of it.

"Is there something wrong?" Her sugary voice pierces my thoughts. "You've been holding your dress for awhile now,"   

"Really?" I let it go almost immediately. "It's nothing."

"If you say so. May we go now?"

I nod.

We pass a fountain in the middle of the garden, I touch several flowers surrounding it as I follow her. She leads me to a place called a greenhouse.

"More flowers!" I exclaim. "Are you a florist?" I inquire, peering at her.

"Not at all," She shakes her head. "But the master is." She added.

"Who is the master?"

She pulls me closer. "You'll know him soon." Then she smiles so wide, her lips almost hits her ear. 

I flinched a bit, startled, before asking, "Know him? Who's him?" 

Rather than answering, she points to a cluster of red flowers. They all had some sort of purple and white buds in the middle. She says the name, but I tune out her voice. A bad feeling suddenly invades me. I give her a cheeky grin and a nod though as if I was listening.

In that moment, a strong, gush of wind floods in, distorting my hair and dress. I tuck my hair behind my ears with both hands as I turn. A man stood at the door holding a big fan, he has a farm hat on top of his head, so I don't see his face clearly, but the stubble on his chin is visible.

"What are you doing here?" The pretty lady questions harshly. "Can't you see I'm busy?" She signals to me.

The man bows while muttering apologies and flees.

She places a hand on my back. "Just ignore him. Now, where were we? Right, the anemone coronaria."

As I avert my gaze to the cluster of flowers, I quickly took notice of the two silhouettes passing by outside.

They were my parents, and without another thought, I chase after them.

The lady shouts my name from behind, but I ignore her. I suddenly wondered how she knew it, I never told her. Everything about the place suddenly felt weird. It was strange. Too strange! My heart beat speeds up and my legs followed suit.

I reach my mom first, and I grab her shirt. "Mom are we going home now?" I managed to ask while panting.

She halts, and throwing me a ferocious look, she says, "Home? What home?"

The Angel Found Salvation (Rewritting)Where stories live. Discover now