Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader - Looking Out

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"Suga.......hey, time to wake up," a soft voice called.

The gray-haired boy twitched slightly. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes to see you standing over him, a smile on your face.

"Morning," he said through a yawn. He knew you had been coming over, but he'd expected to be awake to greet you.

"Morning, sleepy head," you replied as you ruffled his soft locks.

He frowned slightly. He couldn't have been asleep that long, right? He glanced over at his clock and his eyes widened in horror.

"(Y/N), you let me sleep in that late?! It's almost noon! We were supposed to spend the day together!" He climbed over you to grab his clothes.

You shook your head slightly at him. "Relax, Suga. There's still plenty of time."

"I'll be ready in 5!" he called as he skidded down the hallway towards the bathroom.

"Don't hurt yourself!" you called back.

You'd been dating Sugawara for about a year now. But because of his practice, you didn't get to see him very much. In fact, you'd planned to spend this day together almost a month in advance.

Not that you really minded. You were happy just spending time with Koushi, just hearing about what was going on in his life. But he was that boyfriend that liked to go out on dates, spending entire days with you at a time if he could manage it.

Sugawara raced back into his room. "Okay, I'm ready! What do you want to do?"

"Funny you should mention that." You turned him around, gently pushing him towards the main room. He looked around in confusion.

There were pillows and blankets strewn all over the couch. A collection of movies sat on the coffee table, along with the remote and the phone.

"What's this?" he asked.

"You've been working so hard lately. I thought we could have a lazy day together."


"But nothing, Koushi, you've been driving yourself crazy at the volleyball club. You would have slept until 2 if I let you. Now, sit," you commanded.

He quickly settled himself on the couch.

"Good, now pick out a movie you want to watch."

"What about you?" he asked as the doorbell rang.

You smiled. "I'm going to get the take-out."

"(Y/N), you--"

"Just pick a movie, Koushi!"

He nodded quietly, perusing through the movies you'd brought with you. He chose one and started setting it up.

A few minutes later, you joined him on the couch, arranging containers so they were all accessible.

You snuggled into a blanket and sat down beside him.

"I don't know how to thank you," he said as he started eating. "You really didn't have to go to all this trouble for me."

"Please," you scoffed. "What are girlfriends for?"

"I can think of something," he said softly as he leaned closer to you.

"Ohh!" You suddenly pointed at the screen. "This is a great part!"

You slid closer and leaned your head on his shoulder. Sugawara wrapped an arm around you and smiled down at you.

And that's how you spent the whole day. Every time a movie finished you just put in another one. When it was time for dinner, you called out for that, too. And even though Suga thought he would have preferred an actual date with you, he had to admit he'd needed this.

Sugawara woke with a start. He hadn't remembered falling asleep.

You had fallen asleep across his lap. You were still wrapped in a blanket, breathing softly as you dreamed about something. He slowly put a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/N)," he said softly.

"Bed," you grumbled in response. He picked you up without another word, settling you in his bed and pulling the cover over you.

You grabbed his sleeve as he turned away.

"Sleep," you repeated, cracking one eye open and glaring at him. You pulled his sleeve for more emphasis.

"I have to clean up that mess in there," he told you.


He laughed. "All right, all right." He knew you'd keep telling him that until he agreed. And it was kind of late.

He climbed in beside you and you immediately wrapped your arms around him. He smiled, gently placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Today was perfect. Thank you."

You nuzzled against his neck. "Love you."

"I love you, too, (Y/N)."

He closed his eyes and smiled to himself.

He'd almost forgotten how nice it was to have someone else look out for him. But that's what girlfriends were for, right? You'd said so yourself. And you were definitely the best at it.

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