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It's been 3 months now.

And do you know what's funny?

You didn't even come to visit me nor you apologized for the second time.

Silly me, who thought you would come back to me.

But you never did...

And I hope you'd never will.

I didn't wanted to face you anymore.

Did you even have any idea about how badly broken I was?

Stupid me, how would you know? When you're the one who broke it.

I was depressed, Jimin.

I really needed someone.

I needed someone to hold me back.

But who cares...

Cuz there you was, having fun with your new girlfriend.

I hope you wouldn't cheat on her like you did to me. I wish...

I wish I never met you.

I wish I never dated you... wish I never accepted your proposal.

I regret falling in love with you.

You left me helpless, Jimin.

I couldn't even help myself to stand up properly.

But do you know who helped me? Do you know who helped me to hold myself back?

Your own best friend,

Kim Taehyung...

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