Chap 18 - Bitch Fight ⚔

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Aerowyn's pov

I gave her a deadpan look and barreled straight into her. I nailed her on the midriff and pushed her as hard as I could to slam her on to the hard floor. I straddled her body and started punching. I started aiming at her nose when she started covering her temples after I got a few blows in.

Out of nowhere, she had a death grip on the left shoulder with her right hand and yanked me to my right and I ended up rolling off her with my back glued to the floor and she was the one on top now.

I crossed my ankles to lock my feet around her waist and yanked her back with my legs when she was about to punch me, making her miss.

When I noticed her losing her balance after she missed her shot, I yanked her forward again to punch her square in the face. I yanked her back before she could get back at me for that punch. I repeated this a couple more times to maximize the damage I can put in on her before she can figure out my rhythm.

After having my fun of yanking her back and forth like a rag doll, I rolled us to the side abruptly and got to my feet as quickly as possible to put the much needed distance between us for it to be safe.

Her eyes narrowed at me as she scrambled up to stand on her two feet. There was a trail of blood coming out of her nose and a bruise forming on her left cheek and her eyes were getting swollen. I did quite the number on her.

I had barely enough time to dodge her oncoming figure when she ran straight for me. I side stepped her last second before she could get me and I can feel the rushing air from her passing figure graze my skin at how close that encounter was. It didn't take long for me to react this time, running after her as she ran straight on the ground. But as soon as she hit the ground, she got up more like bounced herself back it, back to where I was standing.

I ran straight at her and kicked her leg hard making her stumble to the ground, but she managed to take me with her.

At some point we found ourselves rolling on the ground. We were beyond furious at each other. We weren't playing fair either. There is no rules anymore. We were playing dirty.

I jumped up the very same time Bianca bitch stood up. She took a hold of my shoulder, but i did the first thing that came to my mind. I grabbed her head from behind and slammed it against the ground. She was a bit dazed when she got up, giving me the advantage and kick her ribs.

We fought. I hate to say but she was good at fighting. She got punches, kicks on me too, which I returned happily.

However, what she didn't anticipate was me running straight at her, when she stood up, and adding a small jump in the end to deliver the ending kick. I got her right on the temple, her head lolling sideways at the impact as my feet dropped back to the ground and throbbed from crashing at such force.

I couldn't stand back up. My right foot was in a bad angle. Ouch. And as for Bianca, well....

She crumpled to her knees, cradling her head in her hands. I don't feel sorry for her. Not even a little.

I heard a furious growl making me look up...

Artorius was coming towards us. He doesn't look happy. Furious would be the word.

But when he zoomed past me, and to Binca, bitch that hurt as fuck!

I saw him cradle to her level and kiss her forehead. He said soothing words to her and took her into his arms bridal style, before walking away. Probably to the pack hospital.

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