Imagine: Captain James Hook (Smut)

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Here you go RosaPeach ! Your imagine with dear James. It was kinda awkward to have to look for pictures of a shirtless Jason Isaacs. :$ Anyone reading this, check her stories, she's great.


Imagine: Captain James Hook, Broke In, Mend Together, Broke Apart (Smut)

"Old..." He threw a knife at the head board of the bed in his office. "Alone..." Another knife, right next to the past one. "Done for..." And a last one ended up in the head board on top of the first one.

You checked if the deck was free and as soon as it was you jumped out of your hiding spot, and with a handstand flip over you kicked in the door to his office and closed it behind your back. "Smee, get out. I want to be alone!" He threw a knife over his shoulder but it missed you by two inches.

"I expected better from you James." He turned around and faced you with surprise written all over his face. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"You shrugged. "Frankly, I wanted to break in to your cabin. But since you're here, I'm paying you a visit, it's been too long." You walked closer to him, whining the last part like it really hurt you.

You stood behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders. You bent over to whisper in his ear. "I've really missed you." He pulled his shoulders away from your touch and stood up. "Don't be ridiculous, we never truly cared about each other, we were just training buddies."

"I can't believe a thing you're saying. I saw the way you would look at me every time I won. Defeated yet proud. You can't tell that you didn't care a single shit." You blew in his face. He didn't flinch but his icy blue eyes hid what he truly felt. You had touched a nerve there. He looked straight into your eyes when he talked to you. "I don't, never did, never will."

Hook went to sit down at his desk, staring at the map spread out on it. He propped his head up on his elbows, his dark hair hiding his face. After mumbling something you couldn't hear you took your gun out.

Shooting a specific spot on the map you smirked at him, while he just looked up at you in horror. "I know what you're about to ask me. That's Peter Pan's latest hiding place. I found it by accident when I came looking for you."

He sighed in annoyance, his map was ruined, there were knives all over the place and all you could do was smirk at him. Enjoying this way too much you leaned on his desk. "Isn't that what you wanted to know?" He looked up and smiled at you. "I do, I did, I think."

You turned around and hopped on his desk without effort. "That's exactly it James, you always think too much. Make up your mind for once and for all." He walked around the desk and stood right in front of you. The cold metal of the hook that replaced his left hand grazed the side of your face, creating a tiny stinging cut on your cheek.

"Okay, if that's what you want." He pushed your legs apart and went to stand between them. After placing his hook on one side of you and his right hand on the small of your back he kissed you roughly.

You broke away from him for a moment to make a devilish retort in his face. "I think that whoever took your hand did you a favor, your left hand was always your biggest flaw." He slammed his hook in the wood, he's always had a bit of a temper when it came to you and your smart ripostes. "A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it's followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR?"

Accompanying his little background story you started to lick your lips. He was so sexy when he got mad. You placed your hands on his chest, moving to the highest buttons. "Maybe, but right now he needs to wait for his turn, I was here first."

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