Chapter 16

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Six months later

Martina's POV

''Beep, beep...'' I shut my alarm down and rolled of the bed. I went inside the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before getting dressed.

I chose pair of black jeans and white fluffly jumper. I put my coat on and took my backpack. It's been a week since I started my college.

I no longer live with my mom, because I had to move out and come in another city. But Michigan isn't so bad. I adjusted really good, but I feel sad because Lily isn't here.

I arrived at the college by bus. As I was approaching, I saw my new friend that's also my classmate near the door. She is really nice girl and I'm glad I met her, because she is from Michigan and she showed me most of the city.

''Morning, girl!'' She said and hugged me.
''Good morning, Jess!'' I smiled as we entered the building. We had Mr. Smith in a first class. That man isn't that boring, but I can't keep up on his class because of how boring it is.

I actually study for Early Childhood Education. That means I'm study to be a kindergarten teacher. I just love kids and I'm really happy to know that I'm going to pass my knowledge on them. Toddlers are very carefree and they need someone who will educate them well, besides their parents of course.

After taking quite a lot of notes, I followed Jess to our next class. My work was at 3 p.m., but I think I was going to get on time. I work as a part-time in a small cafe few stations away from my apartment. I was so lucky to find their offer on time.


After all of my lessons finished, Jess told me she will go with me to my workplace, because she wants me to make her coffee. I, apparently, make the best coffee for her.

Fortunately, she has a car so she drove us to the cafe. Even tho I'm a little tired from the busy morning, I still have will to work. With the payment I get from this job, I can pay for my rent and food which is enough.

Life in a different city is kind of weird. I sometimes miss my house and my mom which is understandable. I adjusted and all, but it's still not it.

We arrived in front of my workplace and got out.
''What was the reason that your boss put cafe's name Aurora?''
''That was the name of his deceased wife.'' I smiled sadly. I still remember how he told me a story about this cafe. He is really generous and kind man, and I'm really sorry for him. His wife meant a world to him.

I entered the cafe and saw Ben on the other side of a counter. His eyes lit up when he saw me enter, because he knows that he can go home now. I chuckled at him and took my waitress apron.

Not long after I situated, Ben left giving me a cheek kiss. He acts like my older brother all the time even when he is younger than me by year. He is senior in high school this year.

I made a coffee for Jess like she requested me. When I gave her finished product she said quick goodbyes before rushing home. She had family meeting or something.

I was getting bored as time was passing by. I didn't have much customers. Only few people came throughout few hours since I started my shift. I even got to rest a bit.

Suddenly, my boss appeared on the front door looking sad.
''Good day, Sir! Is everything alright?'' I asked as he sat on the bar stool in front of the counter.
''Not currently. I found out that someone bought this building.''
''So what's the problem? You'll just continue paying the rent like usual, right?'' I asked confused.

''That's the problem. New owner wants this to go away. But I can't give up on this. I even suggested to pay a higher price for rent, but they refused.'' He sighed heavily. I felt a tug in my heart. I know that it's not easy to give up.

''So what are you planning to do, Sir?'' I asked with uncertainity.
''I don't know. You know how much this cafe meant to Aurora.'' He said. His eyes were already watering. I felt bad for him too and I wanted to help him.

''Tell me the owner's name and I'll try to talk to him.'' I said confidently.
''You don't have to, my dear. The man who will buy this is very stubborn. I already tried.'' He smiled sadly.
''Nobody will get hurt if we try again. You can't give up so easily. I'm sure if you're persistent enough, the owner will give in.'' I encouraged him.

He gave me a firm nod as I smiled in return. It's mostly about this cafe, but I want to try because I love this job dearly and I don't want to be jobless. It was hard enough to find this and I can't go through endless search again.

It was time to close the cafe. I cleaned up what I had to and started going home before boss actually locked the cafe. I waited for few minutes on the bus station when bus came.

I was tired like I'm every other day. It's just sometimes overhelming, but I'll never quit in doing what I have to. I'm a really persistent and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My thoughts inwardly went to the person I miss the most. It's been more than a half a year since I last saw him. I sometimes purposely walked next to the company to see him. I even went inside the building where I talked to Melissa. But he was nowhere to be seen.

I wonder where did he leave and if it's because of me. I'm kind of disappointed at him for not fighting for us when he should have. I tried changing my mom's mind so many times, but successfully failed. I also don't want to disrespect my mom because she is the one who actually gave birth to me and raised me.

It was hard to move on and I think I still didn't. I often dream about him. Then I remember all the kisses we once shared. It was nice. He was acting like someone who loves me. Which my heart believes he did, but my head is saying otherwise.

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