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"You are definitely going to pass it, Leshya." Aradhya said while munching on her fries.

It was lunch break and after there is our financial accounting period. I seriously hate it. Like I know I liked accountancy in school and it was easy but I just almost never attended any classes  since the semester started and now I'm hating it.
It was my final year in college now. The first month and we already have a test.
Wow!! ( Note the sarcasm)

And I know it's my fault. I just so badly want to pass it.
Crossing my fingers, I prayed to God.

Please please god, please make me pass..if you do, I swear I won't watch F. R. I. E. N. D. S. for the whole month... please god!

It was just something I did. We must give something back too, right?

And the strange thing was when Aru aka Aradhya got to know about it, she told me to watch Jab Tak Hai Jaan.
I did watch it and to be honest, I was actually surprised and shocked, I watched it again...but it felt good knowing that atleast something I do isn't stupid.

Before watching that, I always used to think maybe I'm the only one doing such a thing and this isn't normal and people don't do it. I often had stupid thoughts about it like I'm sure people don't exactly sacrifice something when they pray so maybe I should try that but I never did, I just couldn't. I was already habitual of what I did.

And I don't know when I started this 'exchange praying' . It just came to me, it was there for as long as I remember.
I always slept at night after praying and my every prayer in morning and at night included my parents, I just wanted them to be with me, to stay well, to never have any problem.

I could do anything for my parents. They are my life, my everything.

"Lesh.... let's go. Lunch break has ended." She said getting up and picked up her bag beside her.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go."
None of our other friends were there today.

Reyansh and Yash were out fir their football match and  Armaan had some work so he didn't come up College today.

Oh, I forgot. Let me introduce my friends.
There is Aradhya, Reyansh, Yash, Armaan, Bhavya and yours truly.
Armaan and Bhavya are in a relationship. They both love each other so much. It was love at first sight for them on the first day of College. That's actually sweet of you ask me.

And Yash and Aradhya are also dating. They have not confessed their love yet but even blind man can see they are meant for each other.

Lastly, there comes the infamous Reyansh. He is what one would call the most popular and hottest guy in our college. He's rich, his dad's some politician. Many people think he's a player but he's actually not. Yeah, he's insanely handsome and almost all the girls have a crush on him but he never bothered to them.
He is a sweet human being that sometimes flirt with me, well, most of the times but he's cute.

I still remember the first time when I talked to him. I was like kind of rude to him because of all the rumours I heard about him. I literally told him,
"You are a heartless pig that breaks people's hearts because you don't have your own."

He was hurt, obviously but he explained himself to me. Girls do come after him, they propose to him but he never led them on. He rejects them and in spite of anger and frustration, they would spread things about him. But that never bothered him.

He was too focused on his football and practice. He was good in studies, too bad for me he was doing law. If he had been doing BCOM, I'm sure I would have taken help from him in accountancy.

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