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The ship was silent as it hurtled through hyperspace towards Coruscant. Trace and Rafa looked out the front window while Ahsoka simply stared at her hands in her lap.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rafa asked turning to face the Togruta. "I thought you would hate me if you knew what I used to be." Ahsoka said looking up sadly. "About that since when can you leave the Jedi?" Trace asked, turning as well. "Since always, I think." Ahsoka replied steadily. "Why did you leave? I mean you had everything there, right?" Rafa asked, squinting slightly to show her confusion, Trace nodded and leaned forward slightly.

"I suppose we did, we had education, knew where our next meal was coming from and had people to look after us but Jedi aren't meant to have attachments, not meant to feel like a true family, and think that if it is unlikely that someone will survive then it is willed for them to die. I hated that, got me into a lot of trouble because I wouldn't leave anyone behind, couldn't. Not to mention that you have to join the war effort unless you are too young or physically unable. As for why I'm not a Jedi anymore it's a complicated story." Ahsoka sighed sadly. "Well we have time." Trace said.

Ahsoka sighed deeply before sitting up straight. "My master and I had been called back to the temple because it had been bombed, we were meant to investigate and interrogate witnesses. So while my master was investigating how the bombing happened, I was sent to interrogate a suspect, Letta Turmond. She had helped bomb the temple but wasn't the mastermind behind it." At this point Ahsoka brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her wiry arms around them.

"I was interrogating her and she was about to say who had been behind the bombing when..." the Togruta took a shuddery breath. "When she started chocking and was lifted off the ground. I tried to help her but it was too late. The cell it happened in had no sound on the security camera and I was accused of murder and treason. That night when I fell asleep someone left a keycard outside the cell and I thought it was my master but they had attacked the clones as well. Long story short, I met up with a bounty hunter who used to be a Sith and we made a deal. Later I called a friend and she told me she found a clue at a warehouse, it had the nano tech used in the bombing there and a lightsaber user attacked me and left me unconscious with the explosives. Once I was found the Jedi expelled me and the GAR demanded that they handle the trial, one of my master's friends was trying to train me to be as convincing as possible but it wasn't enough. The GAR official in charge of the trial decided to have me executed and it was almost official when my master came rushing in with the real bomber, who happened to be the friend I called. After the Jedi asked me to come back as a knight, saying it was my 'big trial' but I couldn't, they didn't trust me and I felt that if the people who raised me didn't trust me how could I trust myself. So I left." Ahsoka finished softly, waiting for the others to speak.

Rafa and Trace just stared at her for a minute before Trace spoke up. "Were you close with her?" She questioned softly. "She was practically my sister, we did everything we could together." Ahsoka said, a single tear ran down her cheek before she scrubbed at her eyes. Silently Rafa stood up, walking over to the Togruta before wrapping her arms around the younger girl, who hesitantly reciprocated. "Well that's the past, you're with us now and us sister stick together." She pulled back just enough to smile at the ex-jedi before tightening her grip again. Ahsoka smiled as she felt another pair of arms wrap around her and for the the first time in weeks she finally felt like she belonged.

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