"Chapter 9"

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**"Chapter 9"**
>>"Tiny Little Devil Hiding In A Hero's Clothing 3"<<

"What should i do?? Approach them or leave? If i approach them what will happen then?"

I couldn't contain my exitement and just jump out from the bush without thinking.

"Im reckless" as i mutter to myself realizing what i've done.
Unfortunately the five humans just hear me saying "kruu-kru"
I can hear the reckless swordsman questioning himself, if im the real deal.

"Is this the one who saved us? A small bird?
Is it some sort of magical bird? Why did it even save us, anyway?"

I already know the name of three in the five humans in my front.
-The brown haired girl named Lira.
-The reckless blonde swordsman named Rey.
-The brown haired swashbuckler named Ryan.
The two is still unknown to me.

I can hear lira mumbling "it's so beautiful, I wonder if i can raise it as a pet."

Then i realized something as soon as i hear that, "wa-wait if i get involve with them and become a pet, i don't think i can form a romance in that plot or maybe, i can?"
I got troubled by me, thinking of a good story to create as i put my wings in my head troubled of what's happening.

Yet, in their viewpoint they can only see a beautiful and elegant bird, that looks like it was trying to say something to them.

The blonde girl then interrupted my mind when i hear him, Thanking me.

"Um, T-thank you for saving us, u-uh litt...
b-b-beautiful bird."
She's troubled of what to call me, i can hear her saying little bird but suddenly stops.
Thinking that i might hate it, Thruthfully i don't care about what they call me.

When just suddenly an idea pop out in my head, thinking that i should head back and become a mysterious bird, im pretty sure that they will tell it to the other adventurers,  that a bird saved them.
I can't also leave my nest, even though i only been living there for two days, i feel like im already living there for years and grow fond at the nest, not leaving it.

I take a few steps back while facing the humans, my steps is so short because of me, being a little bird.

As i look at the atmosphere of us.
It's silent'

Why are they silent? As i muttered to my mind.
We're now staring at each others not saying anything, What the heck!
Im thinking of immediately jumping to the bush right now, but something is bothering me, what if they follow me and capture me?
They don't look like people that will capture a creature that just saved them but they will follow me right?
They might think i want them to follow me if just suddenly revealing myself and then mutters something like Hell!! And just suddenly jump to the bush.

'I jump into a land mine im reckless,' if they follow me, I can't shake them off to lose sight of me since i can only jump to travel. "Bullshit."

What to do? What to do? What to do? I repeated this ten times when suddenly i just jump of to the bush recklessly and escape.
Luckily they don't follow me in my escape? I can only see their perplexed face as i look back.
"Huuuu, the luck is on my side this time but not anytime" while jumping and heading towards the mountain, i lecture myself from being reckless, as to reflect to my actions, I will try to not scheme anything from this point on.

I forgotten to take an apple with me while jumping on the road, i've only realized and remember the apple when i arrive at the entrance of my cave.
"Oh! shucks, I forgot to take an apple"
"Well, i still stock one so i guess it's okay"
"I should check my status and see what are the changes"
Name: nameless(Lawrence)
Gender: female
Race: glacial pheonix

I Reincarnated as a Glacial PheonixWhere stories live. Discover now