31. Life.....

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The moments where your heart feels frozen,
But time isn't stopping,
Even if I feel stopped,
Just like the gushing waters in the river,
Life goes on,

The journey from Past to Present to future,
Life goes on,

Even though world is moving forward,
My life has stopped,
Lying on the bed,
Still my life goes on,

Everything seems changed,
But not our bond,
Walking through the dark times together,
My heart awaits for dawn,

It may be hard right now,
But we will make it through the storm,
Because Even if everything seems stopped,
But life goes on,

Walking around where the places,
We have been together,
I still miss our laughs,
Even through my longings,
Life goes on,

A time will come,
When everything will be fine,
Like nothing happened at all,

Even with the sands of time,
It will heal,
What's hurt in all,
With the hurt- Comfort,
With the pain- Smiles,
With the love - hatred,
With the happy - Sad,
Life goes on.

Even with the sands of time,It will heal,What's hurt in all,With the hurt- Comfort,With the pain- Smiles,With the love - hatred,With the happy - Sad,Life goes on

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Life goes on,
Let's live on.

Author's note:

This Poem is dedicated to BTS's New Album BE.....Life goes on
They are amazing artist
Armies keep streaming Life goes on and support our boys😍💜💜🙌😘😊😊😊❣️❣️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your love and support everyone
Be blessed

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