Lights : Shouto Todoroki

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Author's Note:

Here's day two of Sugar's Snow Days! I just have a super short Todo drabble for you today, but I hope you enjoy it! This one has more of a Christmas theme than the last one, so if that bothers you, you may want to pass.

The picture up there is from Kotoura-San, by the way (it's a cute anime, watch it).


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The night sky hung over your head like an indigo cloak, studded with twinkling stars. Even though the sun was no longer there to provide its bright shine, your world was lit by lights of all kinds. Shop windows surrounded you on either side, decorated festively for the holiday season. Your breath hung in the air ahead of you, dancing in the biting chill before dissipating to nothingness.

Despite the cold around you, you were warm. On the arm of your love, even the gently falling snow couldn't cut through to your core.

You pointed out an especially cutely decorated shop window to the peppermint-haired man beside you. He nodded appreciatively, stopping to watch a shiny toy train go around a miniature track.

Tonight, you weren't particularly interested in shopping. Rather, you and Shouto had made the decision to simply wander around this expansive outdoor mall. The very air around you hummed with festive excitement, and the sights of it all only brought you further into a cheerful holiday mood.

Continuing on from your brief pause, it began to seem as though Todoroki was leading you somewhere in particular.

"Where are we going, Shou?" you asked, squeezing his gloved hand in yours as you looked up into his handsome face.

"You'll see." The small smile that made itself present on his lips only made you melt further, curiosity dripping through your thoughts.

It was as if you were in a maze, walking down the narrow streets between shops and winding through a crowd of fellow bodies.

Todoroki seemed to be scanning for something, and you were just able to catch the moment when his hetero-chromatic eyes lit up. "Close your eyes, love," he said, turning to you again. "Follow me."

You did as you were told, covering half of your face with your fuzzy gloved hand. You felt him lightly tug on your other appendage, carefully weaving you through the crowd as you trailed blindly after him.

Within a few minutes, he stopped, letting you come to a halt beside him. "Okay," he said in his soft voice. "You can look now."

You removed your hand from your face, taking in the base of a large tree. You moved your eyes up and up, until you finally saw a shining gold star at the very top. Shouto must have taken you to the center of the mall, where a giant decorated Christmas tree stood proudly. You gasped as you took the sight in, marveling at the lights and pure wonder of it.

Shouto gazed at you, the sight of your amazed shining eyes bringing heat to his cheeks.

"It's so beautiful," you breathed, stroking the side of Todoroki's hand with your thumb.

Not as beautiful as you, he thought, but he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"This is wonderful," you said, turning back to him. "Thanks for bringing me here tonight."

"Of course." Todoroki steeled himself for the rest of his plan.

You watched as he reached into his coat pocket, taking out a small sprig of green leaves.

"I've heard about a tradition with mistletoe," he began, holding it up for you to see. "I'd like to kiss you now. You mean more to me than anyone else."

You beamed up at him, and he couldn't help but savor the sight of how your face seemed to glow in the colorful lights. There was an ethereal beauty about you, and he knew that he could never let you go.

He pulled your body into his, melding himself to you as your lips met. He was warm and soft, and you wished this moment to never end. But these moments fall around us like snow. They can only be caught and enjoyed for an instant before they melt away. And yet you found comfort in Todoroki. You knew in your heart that there would be many more moments like this for a long time to come.

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