Update + hily manip « "Au Naturel..."»

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Hello! So I just wanted to give you guys a little update and since those are always boring as shit I added a cheeky little hily manip on the side to makeup for it (it's short but kinda cute if I do say so myself). Anyways...

» I am still not sure which trailer to choose, but I will make my choice soon.

» It may seem like I'm not very active for a couple or so days because I am currently working on something for myself. I am making a website to connect all my social medias, and it will include a bunch of other extra little things.

» My website will also contain a page dedicated to my Harry & Lily video with some extra stuff and perhaps even a download of their gifs.. I don't know :P x

That's all for now, so yeah... enjoy the manip on the side.

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