boyfriend!michael x reader x jealous!stu

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Part two! Sorry if it's bad, I'm pretty stressed.

Stu POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm watching from the bushes, I don't think she notices, I'm not even trying, shes so in love with that....that bastard, he doesnt deserve her, she deserves all the love in the world, not a come and go son of a bitch like him.

"Hey, be careful, I worry about you."
(Y/n) says, I cant believe she cares about that sociopath, he pats her head and walks out the door, going back to his disgusting murder spree, I know I kill, but at least I have a fun way of doing it.

(Y/n) sighs and closes the door, my poor, sweet angel...she needs more love than she gets from him.

I take out my phone, preparing for the infamous phone call me and Billy do, but its different this time, I'm not gonna kill her, i just want to speak to her, her voice is amazing to me...the phone rings, she pays no mind to a caller ID and picks it up.

My love says, her voice as beautiful and enchanting as usual. [I better not see any self hate comments or I'll beat you with love!]

"Hello again.."
I say, I can see her nervous expression from the window.

"Fuck...what do you want?"
(Y/n) asks, nervously looking outside the windows, but she doesnt find me.

"I just want to hear your voice, it's so beautiful...does he ever tell you that?"
I ask.

"Why are you doing this..? Leave me alone!"
(Y/n) yells, I see her start to slam the phone back at the phone base, and in desperation, I lose it.

"HEY! please, dont hang up!"
I yell, immediately regretting it, she thinks I'm some awsome coldblooded killer, not a guy whod be desperate to speak to someone like her! ...then again, shes really worth it...

"...who are you?"
(Y/n) asks, slightly calmer.

"I'm an admirer, I'm not going to hurt you, I swear, I just want to speak to're really pretty and kind."
I say quietly, through the window, I can see her blush a slight pink...she looks even more beautiful.

"You think i look pretty? I havent been told that in a while.."
(Y/n) says, what?? She has a boyfriend, is he really that fucking dumb?!

"If you were mine, I'd tell you you're pretty every day, you're the best girl I've ever seen, you're so nice and sweet to people, it made me want to find you...maybe this wasnt the best way."
I say, chuckling a little, she smiles softly at my words.

maybe I was going at this wrong, she likes being treated nicely, I probably scared the shit out of her last night...okay then, nice Stu activated.

"Dont you have a boyfriend? Why isnt he telling you this stuff?"
I ask, I've seen him leave almost every day for two months now, she must be lonely, even more easy to get her to me!

"Hes been...busy, I know he loves me, but at this point, I only see him around 4 times a week, he just leaves and doesnt come back for a really long time."
(Y/n) says, slumping over the counter with a droopy expression, I want to hug her so badly...

"It sounds like he doesn't deserve you, you're basically a queen, hes treating you like a pet he can leave and come back to whenever he wants..!"
I say, aparantly talking about him hits a nerve with her.

"He has changed, he used to kiss me when we woke up, smile and laugh when I joke around...but now hes back to the quiet man everyone knows him as."
(Y/n) says, sighing.

"Hey, I'm gonna say something, but promise me you wont freak out, alright?"
I say, I cant take seeing her like this, I gotta hug her!

"Sure, i guess since you wont kill me, I'll be fine with it."
(Y/n) says, I walk towards her door quietly and smile.

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