Maid of Honor

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One month post war

I had a few hours to spare before my meeting with Ginny. I decided to do what I had been putting off for so long.

My feet firmly plant onto the grassy ground. I let out a long breath and cringe slightly. I second guess myself, thinking maybe it would be better to come back another time, maybe with Neville. I almost turn around and leave but I knew in my heart I had to do this.

I face the headstone in front of me. The grave isn't bare but it isn't as full of flowers as the other plots. I see flowers I know are from Remus and Tonks, there are also roses I assumed were from Draco and Astoria. I lay down the Asphodel bouquet I brought with me.

I can't help but fall to me knees.
"I owe you so much and all I can bring is a stupid flower you know nothing about." I say to myself outloud.

I begin to sniffle, using the back of my hand to wipe my tears.
"Hubs you tall brute. Why did you have to leave? You were supposed to have a happier life, I was supposed to help you but instead you helped me, you helped everyone. It's not really fair is it? Maybe I'm just being selfish... so many lost everything, so many people died, but it doesn't seem fair. Hubar. I'm so sorry."

As I'm trying to catch my breath and pull myself together I hear shifting behind me. When I turn around I see an older woman with a small boy.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say. I get up only slightly embarrassed. I brush off my dress and back up so they can visit the grave as well.

Instead of crying or saying anything they place a blanket infront of the grave and begin to set up a picnic. I start to walk away but my curiosity pulls at me.

"I'm sorry to bother you." I say quietly. The older woman turns towards me with a kind smile. The little boy continues to eat some grapes. He doesn't look older than one.

"Did you know him? Hubar Hellenberg?" I inquire.

"Oh! Oh no I didn't I'm sorry." The woman says rather flustered. She motions towards the young boy.
"Jude here didn't know him either, But I think it's only right he knows his father died a hero rather than a death eater." She says happily feeding the small boy more food.

"I'm sorry? Father?" I question. "Hubar didn't say he had a son." I say. My jaw is on the floor and I'm now staring at the small boy confused. He did look like a mini Hubar, how did I not notice it before?

"Oh yes, unfortunately there were lots of death eater babies that came out of Voldemort's reign. Claimed he needed a 'new pure blood generation' or something like that. Me and my husband adopted Jude here after the war. We were told Hubar didn't know of him. By your reaction I'm guessing that is accurate? Quite a shame, he is such an amazing and kind boy." She explains. She studies me and I feel her eyes fall on my belly.

"You are with child? Is it a Hellenberg?" She questions. I quickly put my hands up in defense.
"Oh no no Hubar was just a very close friend, this child is a Longbottom." I reply.

"Longbottom? You don't happen to be Serenity Locks?" She exclaims.
"Uh yeah, that's me." I reply. She digs in her bag and pulls out an envelope. I look down at it and read the front.

Serenity Locks/Longbottom

I chuckle at his horrible handwriting. A few tears running down my cheeks.
"This is from Hubar?" I ask. The lady nods gently.
"It was given to us with his other belongings." She explains. The old lady returns to sit with Jude.

After I place the letter in my bag I look back at Jude whim is playing with the flowers I had brought with me.
"Jude" I think to myself. Why does that sound familiar?


"Ginny!" I yell as I wave down the red head girl entering the shop.
"Ginny over here!" I say. She sees me and sends me a sheepish smile. She turns back towards the door and I see another person enter the shop. Someone I didn't know would be coming. I feel all the color leave my face and my hands get cold and clammy.

"Breathe. In and out. It's all over, we are all ok." I say to myself quietly. I breathe slowly, I watch the girls approach the table and I take sip of tea while turning so I'm not looking at Hermione but instead the blank wall next to me.

"Serenity. We all need to talk, we need to put it all out on the table and get over all of this." Ginny says. She pulls Hermione to sit down.
"I know. Just give me a minute." I say. I'm still looking away, I feel my panic attack slowly eat at me. Each breath burning my lungs.

"Serenity." Ginny repeats as she places a hand on my arm. "Serenity it's over, it's ok."
For the first time in a long time Ginny Weasley pulls me into a hug. I'm surprised at first but I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly.
"I missed you Ginny. And you too Hermione. I promise. I know it's been hard for you guys too but, I don't know, it's just been kinda rough." I say as I pull away and finally look at my two friends.

"We know, Luna told us." Hermione says.
"Hermione we were so close at one point, I'm sorry I let this get between us, get between all of us." I continue.
"Serenity you are pregnant, you lost a very close friend, you don't have any direct family or relatives. I understand it's been hard. Plus Neville already explained the whole post traumatic stress thing too." Hermione explains.

How could I not talk to my friends for so long. They were so caring and understanding.


"Hm?" She replies.

"I've been meaning to ask you, will you be my maid of honor? And Hermione will you be a bridesmaid?" I ask.

The two girls look at each other and big smiles grow on their faces.
"Of course!!" They squeal at me.
"Now let's order some sweets and chat shall we?" Hermione concludes.

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