Skin deep perfection

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There is deception in beauty

A magazine shoot of asymmetric lines and lies

A cover up of imperfections

Blemish removal for a face defined

A tweaking of the image we hold in our mind

And this is real beauty for a shallow mankind

No wonder our children grow up with such pains

It's not right to be different, can we be the same

As that stick in the pages, the featureless face

The flat, toneless contours, the computer replaced

That's the real beauty 'The Ad-man' created

The anorexic, bulimic, the body she hated

The six-pack, the briefs, the jaw made of steel

You look at these pictures and how do you feel

Beautiful, manly, confused by what's real

They cause mental scars impossible to heal

And they call this fashion, that's how you should be

I'd rather be different than a clone of beauty

Let's boycott these images, let real beauties be seen

In size 20 dresses a real beauty queen

Without a care for imperfection, loves that hair out of place

Don't cover-up my spots, I love my shiny face

So what if I've got a scar across my bottom lip

Or my waist is really tiny with sexy, child-bearing hips

That's how nature made us, all beauties in my eyes

I hate what society created, a magazine, full of lies...

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