Chapter 1: Dylan and Marina

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"Come on! We're going to be late for class!" my best friend, Helena or Helen yelled from the living room. I was still in the bathroom fixing my light brown wavy hair. It's naturally like that. I hate it.

I yell back, "In a minute!"

She came into the bathroom. "Seriously, Marina?"

I'm Marina Throns. Helen and I have been best friends since... forever! I love her to death. I can rely on her and everything.

"What?" I ask.

"Just straighten your hair," she suggested.

"Um.. I'm waiting for the straightening iron to heat up," I told her pointing to the straigtening iron.

"Ugh." She said then left the room rolling her eyes.

I chuckled and picked it up and started straightening my hair.

"You're funny," I told her.

"Whatever. Hurry up," she said.


"Cute boys alert!" Helen squealed.

I nudged her. "Like always. You always say that. And plus.. they're known as the 'bad boys'."

"What? They're hot," she said shrugging.

"Yeah. They never notice us so why should we notice them?" I ask.

She point at me. "Aha! You want them to notice us, huh?"

"I never said that so.. jokes on you, Helen." I told her while we were sitting down.

"Hello, class! I'm Mrs. Jude," the teacher said.

"Jude?" one of the 'bad boys' said laughing. "Isn't that your first name?"

Mrs. Jude said, "Flinn, I don't want your harrass. Now shush!"

"Oh! Mrs. Jude has a crush on me!" he said. "Look, I mean, I might just let you have a chance with me. You're 24. I'm 22. You're pretty young to be teaching a college class."

Mrs. Jude rolls her eyes and points to the door. "Out."

Flinn says, "Whatever." He left the classroom.

Somebody came flying through the door.

"You're late, Dylan. AGAIN." Mrs. Jude said.

He turned to her and said, "I had some business to take care of."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go sit down," she told him.

He sat 6 sits away from me.

After class was over, I got a text from my favorite cousin, Kayden.

'You're invited to me and Susan's wedding tomorrow! Come, please! :D'

I text back, 'I will definitely be there, Kayden!'

"Who was that from?" Helen asks.

"Oh, it was from Kayden. He and Susan are getting married tomorrow." I told her.

"Ou! Can I come?" she asks jumping up and down.

"Yeah, of course."

"I've always liked your cousin," she told me.

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