28| Car sick (Liam)

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Liam's show was brilliant, if you were able to watch I hope you enjoyed! Here's one for Liam...

Liam had been in the car for only twenty minutes and already his clothes were starting to stick to his skin. He wasn't too sure why he was even feeling this way, but was in need of some fresh air.

He rolled down his window, glad to feel the breeze on his face. "Liam, mate, shut the window it's cold." Louis complained, sleeves over his hands as he tried to keep warm. Liam sighed, nodding his head and closing the window, trying to take what he could of the cooler air. "Thanks." Louis mumbled when the car was back to its original temperature. Liam just grunted, taking off his jumper and placing it on his lap. He was starting to feel so warm it was uncomfortable.

As the heat overwhelmed his body, Liam began to feel tired. So resting his head against the small of the window, he closed his eyes and hoped he'd feel a bit better when he woke up. The boys noticed Liam going to sleep even though they'd barely been in the car long. Harry was driving, Niall next to him, Zayn, Louis and Liam across the middle. It was a bit of a squeeze, but none of that mattered, they had to get to their destinations time.

"Is he alright?" Niall asked, looking back to see Liam with his eyes closed. Louis could practically feel the heat radiating off of Liam's body. "I don't know, he's really warm." Louis told them, giving Liam a concerned look. Then he remembered Liam had wanted the window down and he felt bad.

Not even a few minutes later, Zayn leant forward so his head was past Louis who sat in the middle and in between Niall and Harry's heads. "Can we stop for some food soon? I'm hungry." He asked, stomach rumbling on cue. Niall nodded in agreement, "yeah, I'm hungry too." "Well next services is coming up so we'll stop there." Harry told them, eyes skimming the sign that read '15 miles - services' as he drove on.

When the boys stopped, Louis woke Liam, gently shaking his arm. "Mate, we're grabbing some food." He said, and Liam groggily opened his eyes. He immediately winced when he was met with a pounding headache, bringing his hand to his forehead to rub his temple. "What's wrong?" Louis asked, observant as to how Liam was groaning and holding his head. "Nothing- 'm fine..." Liam mumbled, undoing his seatbelt and opening the door.

Luckily, there was a small shop, so he told the boys he'd be back and left to check for any medication to ease his growing headache. Thankfully, after searching for what felt like forever, Liam found a small pack of paracetamol. He picked up a bottle of water and took the two items to the cashier.

He popped two pills into his mouth and swallowed them with the water. He cleared his throat, slipping the pills into his pocket and walking back to the boys who were busy ordering food. He wasn't much hungry himself, but didn't want the boys to suspect anything as much.

"Where've you been?" Harry asked, voice deep as he looked for what to order. "Nowhere." Liam said almost too quickly, "just looking around." He said, and Zayn gave him a weird look, shrugging it off and looking at his feet.

Liam ordered something small, positive that his headache was even worse now he'd taken the medication. The boys all sat at a small booth, legs squished under the table. "There is never enough room for the five of us." Louis chuckled and the boys cracked smiled or snickered. Liam stayed quiet, trying to block out any noise.

Time skip...

They'd all eaten and Liam had barley finished his. He wasn't in the mood to eat, he just wanted to be at home. The boys were confused about how Liam seemed to be acting different, but they didn't pry too much, which Liam was thankful for.

Again they were in the car, and Louis finally let Liam have the window down. Which was a good thing, because the second the car started, Liam's food churned in his stomach and he wished he hadn't eaten anything at all.

What was worse, was that Harry had reached roads that seemed to wind endlessly. That in turn made his stomach whine and swirl, and Liam swallowed harshly, trying to push the nauseous feeling aside. He didn't want to throw up, not ever, and definitely not in the car.

His head felt dizzy and he held onto the edge of the seat for some sort of support. Even with the window open, the wind was no use. Liam could practically feel the sweat forming on his brow and he closed his eyes tightly.

Although his headache was gone and forgotten about, his stomach was making him feel ten times more unwell and miserable and he felt he'd rather have the headache than the stomachache.

Zayn, still unsure of Liam entirely since his small disappearance in the services they were at, looked over to his friend. He was instantly bothered when he took in Liam's weariness. He noticed how Liam was gripping onto the seat for dear life. Eyes tightly shut and lips parted as small breaths left and returned.

"Liam, you okay?" He asked, grabbing the attention of all the boys. "Liam?" Harry asked when there was no reply.

Liam opened his eyes upon hearing Harry call his name. "Sorry- Sorry just zoned out for a second." He stuttered, quickly wiping his brow with his shirt. "You sure you're alright?" Louis asked, Liam had started to look pale. "Yeah mate, you don't look too good." Niall said, frowning at Liam's disheveled state. "No, I'm fine promise." Liam weakly smiled, not wanting his friends to be worried. "We can pull over if you need a second?" Harry suggested but Liam shook his head no.

Well...he should've.

Because soon saliva was pooling in his cheeks and he could feel the bile rising in his throat. Liam swallowed harshly, wanting to keep his previous meal down.

He shook his head slightly at himself, taking deep breaths to try and keep calm. He could feel his heart rate rising as the bubbling sick feeling grew stronger. Man, he hated this a lot, every single second.

Liam looked out the window as he held a hand to his mouth, swallowing down a gag that has forced its way up. He exhaled and swallowed again, now entirely sure he actually was about to puke his guts up.

His leg jigged nervously, knee knocking against Louis' in the process. "Liam, what are you doing?" When Liam didn't respond, Louis looked at him. He was alarmed to see Liam with a hand covering his mouth, face now the tinge of green. The leg bouncing suggested that Liam was nervous. Louis suspected it was because Liam was going to be sick. Wait! Louis thought- he was going to be sick?!

"Harry pull over quick!" Louis shouted way too loud for the fact all of them were within close proximity of each other. With no questions asked, Harry pulled over as fast as he could, putting on his hazard lights as the car stopped.

Liam fumbled to open the car door, hand hovering over his mouth as again the bile rose in his throat. Once he got the door open, he rushed to the patch of grass that was nearby. With hands on his knees, he coughed up what had been eaten when they stopped. It wasn't pleasant at all and brought tears to his eyes.

"You should've told us if you felt car sick." Zayn said, Liam answering him by retching another time, vomit close to splashing on Liam's shoes. Niall grimaced, yet ran a hand soothingly up and down Liam's back as he heaved. Louis went back to fetch Liam's water that had been brought at the services.

Liam swirled the water in his mouth, spitting it out into the grass before sipping some to ease his raw throat. He coughed another time and wiped his tear filled eyes with his hands. "Sorry about that lads." He said quietly, almost embarrassed he'd thrown up in front of them. "It's alright." They all chorused back, Zayn reaching into his pocket to grab a packet of gum. "Here you go mate." He said, passing Liam a piece. "Ah, can I have some?" Niall asked eagerly, "no. I don't like you." Zayn smirked, and Louis broke out into laughter as Niall looked offended and stormed back to the car to sit in the front.

It was safe to say that they were a little late to their destination. Liam only threw up a couple more times, once nearly being over a panicked Louis who shoved an old shopping bag under Liam's chin. But after some explaining, and a still pale looking Liam, the people working with them understood and let them off.


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