knowing me, knowing you

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Lorenzo Berkshire

I woke up today, once again, to an empty house. The only sound you can hear is the sound of the kettle heating up. I'm on an island in Italy that is filled with people...yet I feel so alone. I never let it show when I'm around others, especially when I was with my friends back home, but there are moments when I can feel myself breaking down.

No more carefree laughter

Silence ever after

Walking through an empty house

Tears in my eyes

Here is where the story ends

This is goodbye

I feel the room spinning and I get dizzy. My whole life is a lie. Draco doesn't even know we're cousins. I've hidden my feelings for Lucille for so long, I'm not even sure if they're there. I then get a sharp flashback to that day. The day that Lucius took me and Draco to...I can't breathe. All I can smell is the smell of that room. I need to breathe. I walk past the kitchen, ignoring the kettle that has been going off, and go to the window, walking out to the small balcony.

I take deep breaths and bring my hands to my face, in an attempt to cool it down and wipe my tears away. I can't even allow myself to be free here because every moment I spend with Valentina, I'm lying to her. I've made a few slip ups here and there, calling her a muggle. She doesn't know the life I actually live. The life that lies beyond this small island.

"Knowing me, Knowing You," I hear her sweet voice sing along to her record player and I look up to her window. Valentina is sitting facing her mirror, as she gets ready for the day. Valentina.

I couldn't allow myself to get too attached...but truth be told, it's getting harder to do. I've only spent two days and a half with her, but I already feel protective over her. When that guy was bothering her, all I could see was red until he left. It would be so easy to just stay here with a normal life, not have to worry about the wizarding world I'd leave behind. I can forget about how much of a deadbeat my father is...forget who my mother is.

I leave the balcony and walk through the empty halls that have unoccupied rooms. My feet take me in front of a room that looks to be accommodated for a child.

In these old familiar rooms

Children would play

Now there's only emptiness

Nothing to say

I never had that. I never had a childhood where I would play with my parents. I never had unconditional love. Neither did Draco. That's why we understood each other. It's not that we got along well because there are some things we don't see eye to eye on, but we understand what growing up in a non-loving household is like. Yes, we both had Aunt Mumsy, but Lucius would only give her so much liberty.

The kettle goes off at an alarming sound, bringing me back into the real word and out of my episode. I clench my jaw and close the door of the room. Walking back to the kitchen, I turn the kettle off and place it on the counter. I pour myself a cup of tea and slowly take it to the counter, trying not to spill it. As soon as I sit down, I hear a thud behind me. I turn and see a shoe with a note attached to it. I look at my window and see it's open. Who throws a shoe? I bend down to pick it up and take the note that has been taped to the bottom.

Look up :) <3

I look up and see Valentina leaning on her window sill with a big smile on her face.

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