Chapter 19 Part 3 Avengers Infinity War

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AFO and Jiro appearing on sand dunes alternating with shallow pools around the base of a mountain. The sun is in full eclipse, lending eerie lighting to the scene


"The stone had better be up there... for your sister's sake" AFO threaten

The walk up the mountain seems to be long, but not difficult. Paths worn by centuries or more of feet lead up to the summit, where AFO and Jiro encounter a floating hooded figure

"Welcome, All For One, son of A'lars (a bitch). Jiro, daughter of All For One" The hooded figure greet the two

"Who is that?" Mina ask curious

"I don't know. Maybe the one who guarded the place?" Kirishima reply

'His voice... it's familiar' Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki though

"You know us?" AFO ask

"It is my curse to know all who journey here" The hooded figure reply

"Where's the Soul Stone?" AFO ask

"You should know... it extracts a terrible price" The hooded figure said

"I am prepared" AFO declare

"We all think that at first" The hooded figure said then he touches down and glides out of the shadows, revealing to be Stain "We are all wrong" He said

"STAIN?!!!" The audience yell surprise

"Holy shit! It's the hero killer, Stain!" Kaminari yell surprise

"What's he's doing there?!" Sero yell surprise

"Iida, calm down" Midoriya told Iida who is restless

"Don't worry, I'm calm" Iida reassure clenching his fists

'You look like the opposite of calm' Midoriya though worried

Stain guides them to a temple-like structure at the summit

"How is it you know this place so well?" AFO ask

"A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess" Stain explain

"What exactly happen to him?" Kaminari ask curious

"Too long of a story. Moving on" L reply making him pout

They stop on a semicircular engraving overlooking a sheer drop. It descends in three shallow steps to a final half-circle cutout, the whole bisected by a deep cut that runs between the two spires behind them. Far, far below is a full circle with similar engraved decoration

"What you seek lies before you. As does what you fear" Stain explain

"What's this?" AFO ask confuse

"The price. Soul hold a special place among the Infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom" Stain said

"Tell me what it needs" AFO requested

"To ensure that whoever possesses it... understands its power.... The stone demands a sacrifice" Stain explain

"Of what?" AFO ask

"In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. A soul... for a soul" Stain explain

"That is a heavy price" Sero said surprise as others

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