Midsummer Eve (part one)

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George woke up on his straw mattress in the attic. Once again, he couldn't remember how and when he got there. The night that just passed was like a thin mist through which fragile, trembling forms could be seen, which dissipated when he tried to think too much of them. Like a dream that fell apart as soon as you open your eyes, even if the mind still keeps bits and pieces of it. 

And yet, he remembered her. Her smooth, glowing skin caressed by the moonlight. Her arms around him, pulling him toward her. Her white neck and blood-red lips. He had to drag himself out of the bed to feed and water the animals. 

Mother Doca had been awake for a while. He greeted her, but the old woman answered him with a faint smile.

"Grandma, did something happen?"

"George, darling, I don't know what to do with you anymore... One of the maids at the boyar's mansion says you went away at the fair with Elena for more than an hour. And now the boyar is threatening to send his cottars here. Where have you two been? What have you done?"

"Don't worry, Grandma. We didn't do anything. We just talked."

"Then why are you chasing this girl, George? I don't understand. Even if you like her, her father will never agree with you two. They're not like us, my boy. They have a different life and they see the world differently. A different way from ours. They'll never see you as one of their own, no matter how rich you are ..."

George did not answer but began to draw water from the well at the back of the yard.

"I could understand if you loved her ... Do you love this girl?" she asked.

"No ..." he replied in a low voice.


"I saw her, Grandma," he said between clenched teeth. "Maria ... My Maria. She was with Stefan. She and-- and my best mate," he added, slamming the bucket on the ground and walking away from her.

"And you expect her to wait for you while you run after other girls? Don't let her go if you love her?" she shouted behind him.

George didn't answer. He wanted to be far away. He wanted not to talk to anyone and not to see anyone. He ran to the edge of the forest, but ... He didn't want to see Magda either. Not when Maria occupied his mind and heart.

He looked at the sky. Gray clouds gathered above, as did the clouds in his heart. It was going to rain soon. He heard a lowing behind him and shuddered. It was Stela, one of Maria's cows. He recognized her by the star-shaped spot on its head. It must have gotten lost. And Maria was probably around, looking for it.

His heart began to beat faster and he could feel he was lacking air. He slowly stepped closer to the cow and stroke its head. The animal recognized him and stood beside him, seeming to calm down, even though the thunders in the distance seemed to be coming closer.

He looked around for Maria. And he saw her appearing from the small hill near the forest. The girl stopped when she saw him. Big, heavy drops began to fall from the sky. George grabbed the rope with which the cow was tied and walked slowly toward her, speaking softly to the animal.

When they reached each other, neither of them said a word. They just looked at the rain falling over them and all around. The sky was furrowed with thin lightning on the horizon, and thunder was heading toward them.

George slowly headed towards her; he took her hand without being able to take his eyes off her sad eyes.

"Maria ..." he said and his voice shivered as he spoke her name. He pulled her to his chest and pressed his forehead to her wet cheek without knowing if it was wet from the rain or her tears.

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