Poemfortoday Stories

153 Stories

Back Stabber! by AuthorRReddic
Back Stabber!by Robert Reddic III
Do you have people that do things just to hurt you? Do you ever do things to yourself to sabotage what you've been working on?
Self Sabotage! by AuthorRReddic
Self Sabotage!by Robert Reddic III
Have you ever sabotaged yourself along your journey to reach your dreams? Have you ever done real damage to yourself?
Smell the Roses! by AuthorRReddic
Smell the Roses!by Robert Reddic III
Put your life first....and work second!
A Life With You! by AuthorRReddic
A Life With You!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever dream of a life with that special someone that would be perfect for you? Do you want to have a life with that special someone?
Self Love! by AuthorRReddic
Self Love!by Robert Reddic III
Do you put yourself first? Do you love yourself first? Do you give yourself the things you need for you to be happy?
I Hope! by AuthorRReddic
I Hope!by Robert Reddic III
I just want to find my person. A person that dreams about me the way I dream about she!
Keep On Pushing! by AuthorRReddic
Keep On Pushing!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever feel like giving up? Do you feel like the work you've done hasn't garnered the credit you feel it deserves? Do you feel worthy?
My Growth! by AuthorRReddic
My Growth!by Robert Reddic III
Growing daily is important to your self evolution!
Kind Words! by AuthorRReddic
Kind Words!by Robert Reddic III
Your words to someone struggling.... Could really help them in their time of keep!
Who Could You Be! by AuthorRReddic
Who Could You Be!by Robert Reddic III
Are you reaching your potential? If not, why not?
I Want! by AuthorRReddic
I Want!by Robert Reddic III
Are there things in your life that you truly want to happen? Speak them into existence. Watch those things unfold for you!
A Woman for Me! by AuthorRReddic
A Woman for Me!by Robert Reddic III
There's a woman out there for me....and she's perfect for me!
Be You! by AuthorRReddic
Be You!by Robert Reddic III
Don't worry about what others think. Live your life for you. Enjoy you. Love you. Be you!
Time Borrowed! by AuthorRReddic
Time Borrowed!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever dwell on your past? Do you focus enough on the present? Do you think much of your future? Which is more important?
Infatuation! by AuthorRReddic
Infatuation!by Robert Reddic III
Do you ever find yourself stuck on someone? Someone you might not even know well? Someone that may not even know you exist?
My Value! by AuthorRReddic
My Value!by Robert Reddic III
My Value comes from how I feel about me!
True! by AuthorRReddic
True!by Robert Reddic III
When I find my true love, it is my job to keep her safe, by being true to her. Protecting her perception and not embarrassing her!
The One and Only Me! by AuthorRReddic
The One and Only Me!by Robert Reddic III
Have you ever felt as though someone was copying or mimicking you and your work? Do you truly believe that you are original and authentic?
A New! by AuthorRReddic
A New!by Robert Reddic III
Do you look at each new day as a new opportunity at a second chance? You should. Each day brings new opportunities!
Father's Day! by AuthorRReddic
Father's Day!by Robert Reddic III
To all the wonderful fathers out there celebrating our day, hats off to you. We earned this day!