
Okay, okay, I apologize for being the nosy person that I am, but...what the hell happened to @PikaChick? She literally used to be the biggest and most loved Pokémon fan fiction author on wattpad, and now all traces of her are gone??? When I search her up I can’t find her or any of her books, even Blue Lightning??? Did she delete her profile? Does anyone know why or any information about this? Tffff 


@------d She was inactive for a long time before that. I'm guessing she just lost interest and moved on.
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@------d She did delete her profile. It was without warning, so none of us know what happened.
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Okay, okay, I apologize for being the nosy person that I am, but...what the hell happened to @PikaChick? She literally used to be the biggest and most loved Pokémon fan fiction author on wattpad, and now all traces of her are gone??? When I search her up I can’t find her or any of her books, even Blue Lightning??? Did she delete her profile? Does anyone know why or any information about this? Tffff 


@------d She was inactive for a long time before that. I'm guessing she just lost interest and moved on.
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@------d She did delete her profile. It was without warning, so none of us know what happened.
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Ahahaha going through the profiles of all the people I used to know...such a nostalgia trip but sad cause they’ve all moved on from wattpad...wtff I still can’t get over it, this place used to be a big brimming community and now it’s so dull and dead 


@------d hehe I still draw breath once a month
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I come in snooping around the site and seeing how things are going and WTFFF literally almost every person I used to be friends with is leaving, the Pokémon community as far as I know is dead, all the organizations like the PWA and GRA are declining, and there were several major incidents both involving wattpad and not involving wattpad that were significant enough to shake up the whole community and make people leave... (also wattpad has ads now, tf)
          Holy heck times have changed a lot from when I’ve been here. It looks I left at a period where the community was entering the beginning of its downfall.
          Can someone please explain to me WTF is going on? Give all the details, I want to know all of what’s been happening over the years. PM and we’ll have a long talk. I just need gossip sometimes...someone out there, be kind enough to come to this former fairly-popular-but-pretty-disliked wattpader to spill the tea.
          (this is who was once known as riverivy in case you got this in email and don’t know wtf this random person is rambling on about).


@------d I hope you're doing fine too Ivy. We whatsapped the other day but it was brief. We were close buddies once, but we moved on from that too it seems. Take care, and if you wanna chat I'll be here. I'm not gonna leave wattpad or this community. Still got plans for this profile.
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@------d As I was editing my old story I saw a comment by this profile and I had no idea who it was. I clicked it and lo and behold it's Ivy.
            Good to see you here Ivy, although this comment of mine comes late. A lot has changed here huh? It is sad. We were a brimming community with a lots of life. A lot of us were friends with each other, and now it's like a wasteland. I admit I ghosted this community too when I got preoccupied with Uni, but I would lurk around just to reply to the occasional random comments on my story. And yeah it is sad looking at how things are. I hope everyone is doing okay, and I wish there was a way to tell them how much I (we) miss them.
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Yo, I’m back I’m here for another stroll across memory lane...so much has changed that I don’t even understand what’s really going on. It’s a funny feeling, being like an alien to a world that I was once so much a part of. So many human connections faded away, pretty sad. If anyone’s reading this and remembers who I was, care to update me on how you all are and how wattpad’s doing? I hope the Gotta Read Em All Club is still running
          (I used to call myself Ivy on here, I used to be a writer on her named RiverIvy)


IVYYYY HI!!! How have you been???
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I’m good Ivy, a lot has changed in my life since we last talked, but in general things are going pretty good :)
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tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
Worthless piece of shit.


Yo, anyone of y'all know who @Navigator21 or @StarmiePerson is? If anyone of you have any info that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys 


@------d now you dont need to know I gues
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