thank you. just thank you all for everything so far, I really enjoyed my time here with you guys. Thank you so much for all of your love and support with my stories, without you guys I would’ve never been here!
          	Unfortunately this journey is coming to an end, due to the lack of motivation I have with writing rn, and my busy schedule in my personal life. Yes, I’ll be quitting wattpad.
          	I’ll forever remember this place and you guys, and your love and support. I love you all so so much! And I’ll miss you guys, thank you for everything! 
          	6/11/22 — 5:21 am 


Didn’t really see this in time but take care of yourself and thanks for your books and yourself!


@-N3KOMA the hell did i come back to?


@-N3KOMA ★ i already miss you neko :(( take care of yourself!! ily </3


          I wanted to know if you could make a MHA x Male child reader book?, it can be a experiment or anything I don't really care! I'm just sooo obsessed with your MHA x Fem child reader book!


yall i think they like akaza not sure tho