the number of cases here is gradually increasing, idk why but maybe sebab olympic kot. but tempat akak tak teruk pun so we still can go out freely + less restriction! i'm not even in malaysia but entahlah akak pun penat tengok kes kat sana :'))


OMG YOU ARE DOING AN INTERNSHIP?!?!?!? thats so cool! i am proud on how far you've become. and yes! i remember we were having a dilemma about our majors T___T and the pandemic rly sucks but i hope you will feel better soon!!! i feel so tired out by the entire situation too


aaaaa i wish i could do that too??? using social media is a bit too much for me atm but with the pandemic going on what else am i going to do ; _ ; but yeah i just feel tired bc of some irl things thats all...and ofc burnout bc of uni. i hope you will feel better soon ji <3 you only deserve happiness