
The ghost train chapter will be up tonight as that is one of my favourittteeee episodes in the series !!! 


the best halloween ep by farrrr


In a deep deep Harry Potter phase, I’m reading all these fics about different characters and I’m loving life…debating on moving onto the Marauders next..does anyone have any book Recs for that? 


            this is super late, but dirty old town and the salt and the sea by @mannakell (regulus black x ocs), and the good folk are watching by @toothsoups (evan rosier x oc) are really good 


The boy who loved by scribblingquills is such a good book Ik it’s not marauders but it is the best fanfic I’ve ever read


@-turnerzyellamo that’s good cause I only have marauder x oc cause I also hate y/n. For Sirius x oc and one I’ve my all time favourite books is one step ahead  by cantbelievethis420 it also has a second part and a sequel. Also by the same author is the stag and the harpy which is James x oc. Then the salt and the sea by mannakell which is regulus x oc. Those r my favourites but polar attraction by Evemildred and philophobia by elliewilliamsslvtt are like average too 