
Happy Holi to all my desis! ❤️


Hola buenas días/tardes/noches espero no molestarte pero venia a invitarte a leer mi historia si me ayudarías a compartirá estaría muy agradecida espero poder apoyarnos mutuamente ten un lindo día :)
          Nosotros En Saturno
          Un amor desde la infancia que con el tiempo fue creciendo ellos dos en su mundo desde su perspectiva, siempre la vida de ambos se basa con astros, estrellas etc.. Pero el chico de los planetas, (Gabriel) nunca se le paso por su cabeza enamorarse de su mejor amiga y que ese amor que llego a sentir reviviera después de tantos años sin verse. Evelyn y Gabriel se separaron desde los 10 años, pero al...


Hello! ✨️How are you? I started reading some of your books and I love how you write. 
          Could you see my profile and give me your opinion about one of my stories. It's a poetry collection and I'm beginning to write it. 
          So, I will be more than pleased to have your opinion and thoughts to improve my poetry. Thank you x


@xthousandstories hiii I'm fine wby? Tysm your words mean a lot to me :)
            Yes absolutely I'd love to read yours! 


Wait is it just me or did she announce rep tv


@Anululu and I'm study lagged (?¿) does that make sense 


Ya I suppose anyways I’m so jet lagged rn. HELP MEEE


Hiiii so I published this little book of poetry written by me so if y'all would be so kind as to go read and vote on it :))


@Anululu I KNOW RIGHT (it deserves sm more hype)


Say, if I publish a poetry book, would y'all like to read it? 


@OOF_LasagnaPotter I've been writing poems and short stories for about 7½ years now :p


@-enchxnted- YES (i have a new obsession w it and an appreciation now ✨)