
chapter twelve of
          	cupid has been


Hey. With your Mikaelson siblings soulmate fanfic Cupid. Please stop following the mistakes of others with the soulmate storyline. Because it starts with a good plot but ends up following the show too much that it has no use for your OC Soulmate but as a side character. It happens too many times with these. Specially with Elijah. He focuses on Elena too much that I as a reader and a Romantic at heart who loves soulmate ideas don't see Elijah's soulmate bond with your OC. All I see is the show Elijah that will have a fling with Katherine and follow Hayley like a puppy ignore something as sacred as a Soulmate. Many writers who just follow the show end up following this trap. If Elijah's soulmate bond is there he would focus on his soulmate and not care about Elena. He would want his Soulmate safe first before anything. And I'm not getting that. I'm getting way too much of Show Elijah. And not Soulbonded Elijah. For your OC it's starting to look like a Side character that doesn't really change anything in the story. She's the Matt Donovan of the story. If Elijah has a soul bond he would not run after Elena. He would find a way to keep his soulmate safe. Because they don't know if Klaus would hurt her. So instincts would be to keep the mate safe. But it looks like it Save Elena ignore the mate and just sideline your OC and just follow the show. 


@-lovelydaisies  bestie I love the story the way it is. You’re making it more realistic and sticking to the storyline you want! I absolutely adore your writing! Also you’re absolutely right about there being a single way to write a soulmate fic. We all write our stories differently! ❤️


@RebeccaWinter9 well thank u for leaving for opinion✌I'm still going to keep writing my story how I want. I don't think there's one way to write a soulmate fic <3 have a good day


@-lovelydaisies it's like with Twilight when  Describing the imprint. The needs change. Their purpose changes. But The Vampire diaries doesn't have that. So they didn't fit the story to have Soulmates. But you did. So the Story changes when you add in something that wasn't there. Things change. So him running after Elena wouldn't happen because his Soulmate is in danger. Their life changes. It would be fine if you didn't add the Soulmate thing. But you did. If it was a normal love story. Yes he would act like Show Elijah. But you added something new. A Soulmate. So as a Soulmate Elijah would feel in his soul his Mate's needs and Safety come first. Like bonded Hawks. They fight for and side by side with their partner because it's a life thing. So when adding a Soulmate the Story wouldn't be like the show. Because the needs of Elijah, Kol, Klaus and Finn and Rebekah?? Change. Finn wouldn't want to end his siblings. Klaus wouldn't have this need to keep being TV Klaus unless harm came to the Cupid or his family. Kol wouldn't want to go after Jeremy to hurt him. Klaus wouldn't sleep with another woman. The needs the desires change. Your OC changed the game the story. The need to follow something that no longer is   Necessary as the TV story plot is not needed. You added something beautiful. Soulmates are beautiful. But writers treat it like it's  Superficial,  not necessary. 


I love the new theme! It’s sooooooo pretty!