
━━━ i posted a james potter fic on my main account ! 


@-spideystarks I can't wait to read it!!


time for me to be honest: i hate my account. i’ve been in this . . let’s call it funk for about two months where i can’t look at my account. i created this one at the start of the year and i’ve gotten to the point where all i want to do is create a new one again ❪ yeah i’m worried i’ll annoy everyone but i can’t do this ❫ and i don’t know what to do. so, anyone have any ideas??


@-spideystarks do whatever makes you comfortable!! if you want to move, go ahead !! we'll continue to support you no matter what <3


— i would move all my hp books && some of my marvel ones over to said account


i just feel like ranting ,, so here we go. i have very protective parents which means i haven’t seen my friends since march ❪ which i’m okay with because i care about my families safety && i’m quite an introvert anyway. ❫ my friends have constantly gone out and have never invited me. while i know i wouldn’t have been able to go ,, i just wish my friends ❪ keep in mind these are my BEST friends ❫ would at least invite me . . my heart breaks a bit more every time i see them posting on their snapchat stories of them having fun without me . . this is probably stupid but i’m just gonna go && cry. :)


@-spideystarks |
            trust me, i know exactly how you feel. i always felt i was drifting from my friends because i was supposed to go apple picking couple months ago, go mini golfing & go thrifting but with corona and those requiring money made it impossible. and sometimes, i dont text my friends as much cause i feel im a bother to them and that causes me to feel as if im drifting from them. yo don't have to think your feelings are stupid, love you bby! <3


Hey! @-spideystarks I definitely feel this too, my parents are very strict and I don’t get to see my bffs that much bc my parents are a touch paranoid and it hurts to see them hanging out without me. There’s not a whole lot I can say to make you feel better except that you’ve still got a lot of friends here and that your bffs are only a ft or text away!!!


@-spideystarks  it's better that way hun. they could get infected by the coranavirus and you'd be at home all healthy and stuff. it's better that way your parents are not strict but just don't want u to get infected. you csn hold on till they find s cure. Corona is a serious problem and some teens are over here doing blah blah blah and not caring about it. damn i sound like a 40 year old. but have fun and stay safe