
this message may be offensive
update about the catalina situation: 
          	I've taken my book down. I talked to Catalina. I told her I'm not forgiving or apologizing to her. Imo, if she did that, she had it coming. But, I agree to be civil with her and leave this shit behind us. We all agree that it was draining. I thank everyone who has helped me out during all this, I greatly appreciate it <333


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update about the catalina situation: 
          I've taken my book down. I talked to Catalina. I told her I'm not forgiving or apologizing to her. Imo, if she did that, she had it coming. But, I agree to be civil with her and leave this shit behind us. We all agree that it was draining. I thank everyone who has helped me out during all this, I greatly appreciate it <333


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one thing i'll never understand is people starting shit and saying rude stuff about a celebrity's relationship. like.. IT'S THEIR RELATIONSHIP, IT DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY! If they're happy, let them be happy, ffs. I've seen this with Rudy and Elaine, Chase and Kelsea, Ross and Jaz. Like.. it's annoying. Fanfiction is FICTION. You're not gonna get noticed by Harry Styles because you're the only one reading a book at his concert, girly. It's 2024, let people live their lives. 


im gonna unpublish northern attitude until further notice. i've simply lost motivation to write it. the book is still in my drafts. when i get motivation, i'll publish it again. in it's place, i have a book called it almost worked, based off a song by TV Girl. I got inspired by some tiktoks I saw


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          my depression is getting bad and tbh, it's scaring the shit out of me. like, sure, i would have depressive thoughts every once in a while once i was out of puberty. i feel like losing my stepdad and seeing him die was kinda what sent me over the edge. i haven't relapsed or attempted, and i'm praying to god that i don't anytime soon. i'm trying my best to find a therapist, but the health and wellness center in my hometown is shit. i think i scared my mom a bit when i told her how i've been feeling lately. she didn't even know i was sh back then until pretty late. i remember her crying her eyes out. that's what kept me from sh. i love my momma dearly, i don't ever want to see her crying because of me. so, if you can, please pray for me. cause i really don't know how long i can keep acting like everything is fine. love y'all <333 — marlee


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dumbass tried doxxing me and she didn't even do it right. 


@jackslandry @_sanguinea LMAO, RIGHT?? LIKE.. if you gonna try to dox me, at least do it correctly


@-t0tallyn0tmarlee leak your birth certificate lmao


drop the credit card info and your date of birth while you’re at it LMAOOO


help what is even happening with these people sending you threats this is craziness like we are on wattpad 


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@littlebigjupiter i don't even know anymore, tbh. like.. all of us are wanting to move on and live our lives, but she's stirring shit up again. I didn't want to stay silent on it, since I know shit like this can happen to just about anybody. it sucks that ANY OF US have to deal with this. like.. this girl is in COLLEGE, don't she have some homework to do or books to study?? T-T


theme slay!!!


@-t0tallyn0tmarlee that's so slay of you fr


@pipermcgay THANK YOUUU!! 
            I love Maddy Perez sm. And since it's pride month, i used my editing skills to combine both of them. 


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been at least a month since my stepdad passed away, yet the wellness center we went to (which is shit, btw) decided not to tell us that his doctor quit when we've been WAITING for his death certificate to be signed. 
          Like.. We can't file ANYTHING until we get the death certificate, and the fact that they've just been PUTTING IT TO THE SIDE IS FRUSTRATING ASF. 


Hot girls support Palestine!!! :)




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            These poor innocent souls. May God and Allah give them eternal life and happiness. They don’t die painless deaths. They get tortured and die the most brutal way possible and our government doesn’t even care. Joe Biden sent a billion dollars to fucking Israel. Good for him for supporting Ukraine but what about the poor Muslim countries that desperately need saving? The people that are crying for our help and can only get it indivually. F*CK ISR*EL FREE GAZA FREE RAFAH FREE PALESTINE ‼️‼️


@_Im_Just_Existing_ I do too. I try to donate to help whenever I can and try to do whatever I can to help the people in Gaza out 


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          lemme tell y'all something.. you threaten to hurt MY FAMILY OR MY PEOPLE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM.. I will go full fledged psycho on your ass. I may put up with bullshit every now and then. but this shit has gotten to the point that I've been in CONTACT with my 'shady' part of the family. and i know enough to where i **will** cover my tracks. you really want to mess around with that? keep going with this then, assholes. just WAIT and see what fucking happens. im done with putting up with the shit y'all are stirring up. we got PROOF against you guys claims, but nope, you're not only GROOMING MINORS but brainwashing THOSE SAME MINORS to believe your sorry asses. and this isn't no threat, sweetie. that's a fucking promise. 


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@HouseMDFan don't assume shit about people, cause you have no idea about some person you're decide to just be rude to on the damn internet


@HouseMDFan it's called genetics, sweetheart. I got genes from my birth family. 


@-t0tallyn0tmarlee 'go psycho' 
            Ah yes, because apparently now you can just induce a psychotic episode on yourself without substances. Good thing I read the DSM so I'm actually educated