
This is a preview of my first chapter book. Hope you like it:
          	Life of the Pack Book 1 
          	Shadow Path 
          	Chapter  1
          	    A warm summer breeze warmed Pine’s pelt. He poked his head out of the dropping ferns. He stepped out on to the warm rocks. His unsteady legs made it hard to walk on the rocky creek bed. Pine made his way down the wobbly rocks. Deep horrible growls came from behind him. Pine turned to see five wolves as black as night snarling at him. One with deep red eyes lunged for pine. He started to run as fast as he could, the shadow wolves right behind him. Pine tripped over rocks and ivy, but kept going. The forest was rich with undergrowth which made good hiding spots. He lunged into some ferns.
          	“Come out little lone wolf,”One of the Shadow wolves howled.      
          	Pine felt sharp teeth grab his scruff.
          	“Let go!”He suddenly realized how small his voice sounded.
          	Howls of amusement sounded around him. Pine saw the black wolves neck close and unprotected. Pine bit the shadow wolves neck. He shrieked in pain. Pine fell to the ground and ran into the towering trees.


This is a preview of my first chapter book. Hope you like it:
          Life of the Pack Book 1 
          Shadow Path 
          Chapter  1
              A warm summer breeze warmed Pine’s pelt. He poked his head out of the dropping ferns. He stepped out on to the warm rocks. His unsteady legs made it hard to walk on the rocky creek bed. Pine made his way down the wobbly rocks. Deep horrible growls came from behind him. Pine turned to see five wolves as black as night snarling at him. One with deep red eyes lunged for pine. He started to run as fast as he could, the shadow wolves right behind him. Pine tripped over rocks and ivy, but kept going. The forest was rich with undergrowth which made good hiding spots. He lunged into some ferns.
          “Come out little lone wolf,”One of the Shadow wolves howled.      
          Pine felt sharp teeth grab his scruff.
          “Let go!”He suddenly realized how small his voice sounded.
          Howls of amusement sounded around him. Pine saw the black wolves neck close and unprotected. Pine bit the shadow wolves neck. He shrieked in pain. Pine fell to the ground and ran into the towering trees.