
Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that I’ve created a new Instagram where I’ll be positing any details/dates about upcoming book releases in the future. If interested, you can follow me at @author_ivy_duncan 


Are you leaving the books on wattpad unless you get a guidelines message or are you moving them over there no matter what? I'm just curious


They’ll be left on wattpad unless they get removed (but I’ve made some changes to age up characters and have removed some sex scenes so hopefully that won’t happen) I’m hoping to post the originals (removed sex scenes included) on my Patreon, just so they’re there as a backup, and so people can find them if they want the originals 


PLUG !! : I apologize for plugging, but are you by any chance having a hard time revising your works? Well, maybe I’m one of a few to help you revise and edit your pieces. I’m Jaja and I’m currently finding a novel/story to revise for only 5 pesos a chapter. Here’s my contact if you’re interested: @factsorbluff on telegram and IG. Thank you and I hope you have a good day ahead ! 


Same question!!! Are we moving the stories to patreon? If it’s a guidelines issue with Wattpad then by all means move them to patron where are precious stories can’t be disturbed 


I think I will be! The only thing is that’s going to take a LOT of work, and I don’t have the free time for that at the moment, so it’ll probably be done slowly 


Hey author! Please consider doing a backup of your stories in case Wattpad deletes any of them because of the new guidelines. Please please if something happens, upload the stories somewhere else, maybe your Patreon?


@2WantLoveAnd2BeLoved  thank god! 
            Are you planning on uploading the removed scenes on Patreon? As “extra” chapters?


@2WantLoveAnd2BeLoved I was having panic attacks about this because I re read these books like once a month and they are my ultimate favorite on the app


Hello! Thanks for the concern. I actually don’t write my books directly in wattpad, so I already have them all backed up. I’ve also gone through all of them and removed some sex scenes/ aged up some characters to comply with the guidelines, so hopefully I’m in the clear!


Wattpad is increasing the age of consent in stories to 18+ (from 16) on April 15. They are also using AI for content moderation.
          Additionally, this is a good time to ensure that stories are saved somewhere outside of Wattpad. 
          Just wanted to provide this information, even if it has no direct impact.
          For more information, see https://www.wattpad.com/1436342697-news-updates-upgrading-our-moderation-capabilities or the mega-thread on the Wattpad subreddit.


Hi I just finished Five Years and 2,000 Miles and it’s so good! Would you ever post Endings and Beginnings back on Wattpad again?


I’m glad you liked it! Endings and Beginning will not be posted on WattPad again. Removing it and getting it published was actually my first step to getting off of wattpad and into writing that I can earn some sort of money from. I’m not planning on publishing any of the books currently on my page, so those should remain, but my published books (Five years , and the series I’m currently writing) won’t be on my wattpad 