My late grandmother gifted my parents a charm to me back in 2004. I keep it in a purple box on my sink. My roommate and I got a new dog recently. I was doing laundry and when I came back in my room she had the bottom half of the purple box in her mouth. I can not find the top half of the box with the date and names or the charm itself. My scream made my dog cry and I had a full on breakdown. Idk what to do hahaha I’ve always been a cat person for a reason.


@SewDa_Pop I’m hoping it’s wherever the top half of the box is but I will keep this in mind, thank you 


@5TAYARMY I hate to be the person to say it, but you might just have to monitor the dog's next few poops. I'm a dog person (though I also have a cat I love very very much) and I know from experience that it'll usually show up again by bowels, if not just somewhere on the floor. If it's still not found in a couple days(3-4) you might want to take your dog to the vet.


My late grandmother gifted my parents a charm to me back in 2004. I keep it in a purple box on my sink. My roommate and I got a new dog recently. I was doing laundry and when I came back in my room she had the bottom half of the purple box in her mouth. I can not find the top half of the box with the date and names or the charm itself. My scream made my dog cry and I had a full on breakdown. Idk what to do hahaha I’ve always been a cat person for a reason.


@SewDa_Pop I’m hoping it’s wherever the top half of the box is but I will keep this in mind, thank you 


@5TAYARMY I hate to be the person to say it, but you might just have to monitor the dog's next few poops. I'm a dog person (though I also have a cat I love very very much) and I know from experience that it'll usually show up again by bowels, if not just somewhere on the floor. If it's still not found in a couple days(3-4) you might want to take your dog to the vet.


I may have unblocked rei because I am mentally not well right now only to find out she has a boyfriend! That means she assaulted me while romancing someone else and I literally want to vomit 


@5TAYARMY no! Definitely not, that's just strange.


I’m about to vent. Topics of s/a are mentioned. If sensitive to that pls don’t read but I need an emotional outlet bc I think my friends are sick of hearing about it especially now since it’s “over.” Rei is gone. We kicked her out of our dance group after the performance today since she assaulted me last month. All I wanted was for her to be gone but also for her to suffer. Two of my friends popped off on her today and she got very upset although I wasn’t there to see it. I thought this is what I needed so I don’t understand why I’m stuck in this emotional void still. She’s been blocked for a long time and now she’s officially out of my life so why am I still suffering? I think about her every day in a negative light and I want it to stop. I want to move on. I don’t miss her but I do miss the idea of her. I wonder what would have happened if I heard her out after she begged me to fix things between us. Maybe it’s all my fault and that’s why I can’t get over it. Maybe I should have let her touch me and not complain. Maybe I’m being dramatic and it wasn’t assault. Maybe it’s because I act this way that I’m alone. I don’t know. I’m so confused. Im tired of crying over her and what she did to me. I thought getting rid of her and knowing she was crying to would help but it didn’t. I don’t know what to do. 


this message may be offensive
@5TAYARMY it's a shame wattpad took away dms, because I would've offered again for you to vent to me whenever you wanted..
            But, its good that she got kicked out. Its most likely for the best that it happened this way, and it is in no way your fault, okay? You should never let someone touch you without you feeling comfortable or giving consent. You're not being dramatic, trust me. It most likely was s/a, so you are not in the wrong. I'm sure it's not because of the way you act for the reason you're alone, so don't think negatively of yourself like that, okay? I know it's easier said than done, it's advice I need to take myself, but it helps a lot. I'm so sorry all of this happened to you, and seems to supposedly keep happening, I know how awful it is, but I can only imagine how you may feel, as everyone is different with handling things, and not all experiences are the same. I hope you're okay, please take care of yourself. And yeah, it would've perhaps been better if she did apologise in person, but if it was half assed, and that you were being gaslit, it wouldn't have been worth it, although it may have helped, it may have also made you feel worse. That part, I know how you feel, when it's difficult to not get angry when you invest so much energy on others, and then it all goes to waste because you get used, walked over, and shit like that. It's awful. She got too many chances, you gave too much, she didn't deserve it. Also, people must be out of their minds, doing sexual gestures at someone they don't even know. It's ridiculous. I'm so sorry about all of this, but I'm always here for you, never forget that. I hope you find the right person one day, who cares about you romantically, who gives you what you are looking for, and what you deserve. Hopefully this all stops soon, you don't deserve these sexual occurrences.


@5TAYARMY I feel so sorry for you :( its also not your fault, if you were uncomfortable with her touching you, then your not being dramatic. I hope you feel better though! <3


It’s just not fair it’s not fair at all and I don’t know what to do I just want to be happy with someone but nobody in this world has their best interest for me. Even the other day I was driving and some girl was making sexual gestures at me. A stranger. I’m so tired of being a sexual object to everybody. It’s not fair. Why can’t someone care about me in a true romantic sense w/o sex being their top priority. That’s all I want.


THE FINALE OF PROJECT COLOR HAS BEEN UPLOADED!!! Screaming, crying, throwing up I never thought it would end 


@5TAYARMY I've been busy the past few days, but when I have time at the weekend, I'll read it ^^


I have six hours left of my shift and two short scenes of project color left. I really want to finish today and post it. If you see this message spam tf out of me and tell me to focus. I know myself and I will try to be on TikTok and instagram the whole time instead 


@minghaos_mylove definitely lol now all I have left is the epilogue 


@5TAYARMY omg maybe it's a good thing I sent that then lmao




Can we all like rally against Wattpad about the direct messages being taken away? I’m just finding out about this now and it’s so stupid 


@5TAYARMY good idea! I have mine in my carrd but I need to update it again- might add them all to my bio too now though, not a bad idea ^^


@minghaos_mylove that’s smart I’m thinking of putting my discord in my bio 


@5TAYARMY yeahh it's so annoying they're doing that, that's why I decided to post something on my mb the other day, with my other social media for people who still wanted to contact me, this is just stupid and annoying though T-T


I went on a date last night and she told me she loved my accent.  I was confused because I don’t have an accent. She told me I did and how just now I said “dat ding” instead of “that thing.” If y’all don’t get another update from me it’s because I died of embarrassment 

