
It may be an ambitious plan, but I'm in the process of linking the power series into ONE story. Most of it will remain, and some of it won’t. The aim is to make the story flow better. This will be a much slower project, but the fears WILL remain the same. There is much more to add, and the chapters will be longer.
          	Wish me luck. I hope you all enjoy it.
          	The title will be Project Xx as it's been with me since the start. 


It may be an ambitious plan, but I'm in the process of linking the power series into ONE story. Most of it will remain, and some of it won’t. The aim is to make the story flow better. This will be a much slower project, but the fears WILL remain the same. There is much more to add, and the chapters will be longer.
          Wish me luck. I hope you all enjoy it.
          The title will be Project Xx as it's been with me since the start. 


Still here just working on new stuff 


Some good ideas I Will incorporate for sure


@70EricaLanger Great to hear.  Happy to give feedback on drafts or toss around ideas.  Speaking of tossing, I wouldn't mind more of that.  Lots of crushing and bending of steel (don't get me wrong.  I love that), but could use a little more tossing of hopelessly outmatched men across rooms, 50 ft in a field or up through a skylight with a single hand.  Like the WH scene in Superman II where Ursa was throwing guys around the room and then tossed a guy up, up and away through the hole in the roof.  I LOVED that.


If you have already read Mayday! May day! Look for the added Marvel-type spoiler.


@70EricaLanger Ha ... doesn't have to happen by tomorrow obviously.  But something to think about as your spinsoff/side stories seem to all intertwine now.


@nickolaihel crumbs I'll need to to employ a team of writers soon!


@70EricaLanger DEFINITELY need some stories to expand on how she took over whatever corrupt organization she did.  Sooo much can be done on there.
            Did she start out as a thug/heavy in order to get familiar with the organization and then decided she wanted to take over and had an unscheduled not so nice "chat" with the Boss(es) and their lieutenants/soldiers showcasing once again her unbelievable talents leaving them in NO DOUBT who was now in charge?
            Or did smash in to a crime boss' HQ, completely unannounced and unknown to anyone and just take over?  The latter is more Jen's speed, but not so easy to accomplish as she would likely have to destroy much of the organizations personal and assets before she got her message across.  That would destroy a lot of value and reduce the effectiveness of her newly acquired business.  
            Nevertheless, MUCH opportunity for FoS - superhuman strength, speed and invulnerability.  In fact she seems to be progressing beyond merely superhuman into the straight up "super" category.   No laser vision, x-ray vision, flight or other "powers" pls.