
Please offer feedback on the map for my magical school. You can find it here:
          	I have been working hard on it. One question I have is: Do I need a different font?


@morfusmax1 @morfusmax1 That's an idea! I may change the font to something like that... But yes, it is magically mass produced / replicated. It's pretty darn old, but maybe the map has been redrawn recently. I'm going to go look at the font choices for something medieval. Thanks for the tip!


@ACSutliff The font you used kinda looks (made to look like) handwritten, so that's a subtle touch.  If it was being mechanically mass-produced I'd expect a more typographic font.  Though how old is the map supposed to be?  Did you want to go with a medieval illuminated font?


@MiniMoxx Hi MiniMoxx! It's so nice to see you. I used Canva to make the map, but borrowed (and stole) assets to help me make it. It was lots of fun. Did you take a look at it?


Please offer feedback on the map for my magical school. You can find it here:
          I have been working hard on it. One question I have is: Do I need a different font?


@morfusmax1 @morfusmax1 That's an idea! I may change the font to something like that... But yes, it is magically mass produced / replicated. It's pretty darn old, but maybe the map has been redrawn recently. I'm going to go look at the font choices for something medieval. Thanks for the tip!


@ACSutliff The font you used kinda looks (made to look like) handwritten, so that's a subtle touch.  If it was being mechanically mass-produced I'd expect a more typographic font.  Though how old is the map supposed to be?  Did you want to go with a medieval illuminated font?


@MiniMoxx Hi MiniMoxx! It's so nice to see you. I used Canva to make the map, but borrowed (and stole) assets to help me make it. It was lots of fun. Did you take a look at it?


Hi there! How are you? Just checking in. Now that we don't have DMs, we can't chat. If you want to find me, I'm on Discord. My username is the same: EMMcNulty
          Hope all is well with you and yours!


@EMMcNulty Hey EM! I'm on Discord. I'll add you. Thanks for taking the time to come by.


I am looking for beta readers for In My Head second edition. There will be new scenes and an overhaul of the backstory. So if you have already read the story you can be my beta and I will send you a list of new scenes to read along with the pdf beta document. Or if you have been meaning to read the book anyways, be my beta reader instead and later I will send you the e-book for free on its official release.  Reply here if you are interested. 
          I am making Sapphire Eyes an excerpt of a few chapters only, so that I can make the book an exclusive e-book available only for people who purchase In My Head. So if you have been meaning to read that book, do it soon before it gets taken down. 
          Thanks and happy reading and writing!


@Olivia_Benedetti I convert word documents to PDFs. That way if beta readers want to print it, they can't change the document first, at least not without purchasing adobe suite. You can also set your beta document up as a google doc that becomes unavailable at a certain point, so that the readers can't have the book forever. Unless of course, if they decide to print it. That's a lot of paper and ink though! There's a way to make google docs read only. I know you can just share without giving editing rights, so that would be perfect for beta reading too. I did a beta read and it was through google docs. If you send a PDF I don't know if there is a way to make the PDF expire like a google doc can.


@morfusmax1 Hi! I originally wanted it to come out at the end of June, but I want to change the release date to November since that is National Epilepsy Month. And the book is about living with epilepsy. So, November. =D


Has anyone ever used AI in their writing? I found a neat use for it. I'm currently taking backstory sections of In My Head and using AI to change them into past tense. It's something I've been avoiding doing because changing the tense of a book is a huge headache, but AI is making it easy. All I have to do is reread it after I copy and paste it to make sure the dialogue didn't change tense, plus every now and then it messes up a sentence. Then I reformat it. It's actually fun. Has anyone else found fun uses for AI with their writing?


@ACSutliff I haven't used it to write actual text, but sometimes I've used it to bounce ideas off, "pretend to be <character type> and respond to the following dialogue..."  Has been useful sometimes as a sanity check.


@ACSutliff I type it in to help me with description and sometimes dialogue if I'm having trouble and I try to use what it did helping me to put it into my own writing. 


@ACSutliff that's pretty cool! I'll have to give it a try 


I finally made a book trailer for In My Head. Looking for feedback before I post on Instagram! Thanks. 


@GoldFantasy thank you for coming by to check it out. I’m glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun writing my trilogy In My Head. I’m currently working on giving the books a much needed update so I can rerelease them with a proper book launch. We will see how it goes! I’m actually looking for some currently popular music that I can put in my book. Hehe, I’m so out of the loop on the kind of music kids are listening to. My hubby thinks I should just let it become a period piece, but I want them to have smart phones so I need to update it. Haha. 


@ACSutliff Very nice trailer!! It looks like a great book.


@DreLeonWrites awesome! I’m glad you think so. 


Here's another chapter of Sapphire Eyes. (I feel bad calling them chapters when they're so SHORT!)  People seem to be reading the book now, yay! We are getting close to the part where In My Head ends, but the story continues! Who would like to see what happens after In My Head? (In My Hands and In My Heart are out now on Kindle! Links to purchase the book are in my bio. Thanks!


Hello FoA fans! Would anyone be interesting in giving me a sentence to describe how you would review the Code Keeper? I am making a blurb and would like one more sentence to add to my list of reviews going at the end of my blurb for my KDP. Thanks in advance! Please, be sure you already read the entire book. Thanks!


@ACSutliff okay! I’ll get to thinking. Those two are great reviews. 


@ArielMLongee I'd like a review summed up in a single sentence. Does that make sense? Thanks for replying! Here is another example from a review on Amazon: "The world is so rich with details and the magic system is deep and compelling."


@ArielMLongee That's great but yeah, I was thinking more of a fan sentence. Here is an example pulled straight from a review on Amazon. "The best bits of Harry Potter and His Dark Materials grafted onto a painstakingly conceived magic system."


Okay, my fantasy writer friends, how would you spell a fantasy name pronounced this way?
          K - eye - eh - nah
          I'm stumped! Of course I will indicate how it is pronounced, but I still want a spelling that makes sense.


@ACSutliff That's a great idea. Then, maybe after, you can ask the kids to read it to see if they can pronounce it correctly.


@SeraDrake good points! I love the idea of a lexicon. It would be different for each race of people and I have seven! But Spanish pronunciation of vowels is very easy to understand. Something like that would be great. The vowel pronunciations are the same as for Japanese. 


@ACSutliff - My instinct would then be to go with Keaiana. I want to use Greek pronunciation even though it's a fantasy name. But it being fantasy, I would say go with whatever pleases your eyes and ears the most. Do you have a lexicon built the way Tolkien did, or do you just have fantastic names?


Here's an update of Sapphire Eyes for your reading pleasure. Please take a look at my introduction chapter again and let me know what you think of the three covers I have for the book. I'm stressing out big time on which cover I should use and any feedback I get would be greatly appreciated.