
So mystic flour is now usable so what's your opinion on her for me I like how she's generally the opposite of dark cacao and new rank


So the next kingdom update is coming from what we can see it's back to beast yeast and about dark cacao and lets go to the character designs before we go into location first is mystic flour who looks really different from what most thought her as to explain most thought she was a nun or the one who formed the order looks like it's a no now to the second character I can only guess she's possibly a peach or dumpling we do have four dumpings who are possibly bosses or a peach but I don't think so with peach cookie now to the cute character who can transform into a lion dog to explain lion dogs are commonly are ment to guard shrines from spirits so seeing this it's cute and how possibly their gonna be a defensive unit now to setting it's not just me who saw the kingdom and saw this looks like the Cacao kingdom now you possibly saw that dark Choco is coming along possibly he'll get a magic candy I. This update


So the next beast yeast update is here and we already have a meme being characters being Thanos snaps and a new location looks like the Cacao kingdom possibly some lore reasons why also have three new cookies being this updates beast mystic flour who looks nice most people when the silhouette was shown most thought she was the person who formed the order due to how it was kinda nun shaped now to the other two cookies first is new cookie one who I guess could be


So the next beast yeast update is here and we already have a meme being characters being Thanos snaps and a new location looks like the Cacao kingdom possibly some lore reasons why also have three new cookies being this updates beast mystic flour who looks nice most people when the silhouette was shown most thought she was the person who formed the order due to how it was kinda nun shaped now to the other two cookies first is new cookie one who I guess could be


I have something to ask what was your first game you ever played on mobile for me it was metal slug attack to explain it was a spin off of metal slug an arcade runs and gun I played the game back in 2019   then in 2023 the servers were shut down the reason well they couldn't keep the game supported forever and I remember my favorite faction in the game was the rebels and how the factions leader was the main villain and mainly because of the fire and air based units (Hint Hint Hint)


So question who's your favorite of the new cookies I think mine the cloud deity he looks like a himbo a bit


Rain Deity cookie, she reminds me of Pure vanilla cookie.


I like Dark Cacao still, he appeared.


Ok the pre register for cookie run tower of adventures is here so who's ready or excitedn I'll have to prepare something for it as it's in my birth month . . . so cool but as well I already have an account for it look at the art book there is a chapter that has some things during the open beta and some things I have done during that period I'll possibly repurpose it for like a scrapbook for tower of adventures or something else