
Final update: Cat passed this warning. I am still crying on and off. Oh well.


@AceOfHorrors I am so so sorry!!!! *hugs you*


@AceOfHorrors Morning* I can't write.


Final update: Cat passed this warning. I am still crying on and off. Oh well.


@AceOfHorrors I am so so sorry!!!! *hugs you*


@AceOfHorrors Morning* I can't write.


Hello everyone!
          Here is an update regarding the situation. Unfortunately, the mass in her was most likely cancer. Due to my cat's age (reminder: 16), cost, and my parents' oath of not making her suffer, she is scheduled to be put down on Monday morning. I am spending the remaining time I have with her.  We have IV fluids, high nutrients cat food, and pain medication to help keep her comfortable until the time comes. 
          My mental state will not be in the best of balance after my cat passes. After my dad had passed, she was my main comfort during anxiety & panic attacks and flare-ups.  My physical state has been affected. My hands and feet are either hurting, burning, or numbness. I have fallen quite a few times, and the pain is becoming more noticeable every day. I hope it's just temporary.


Hello everyone, 
          The last few weeks have been very rough for me because my beloved elderly cat (16) has been sick. We took her to the vet this week, and it was assumed it was kidney disease progressing (my cat had this for a year and a half), but the last blood work displayed no change. My cat showed no improvement. We had to force-feed her since she lost so much weight. We were worried, but the US and X-rays aren't until Tuesday, so we made an appointment at a vet hospital today. Yesterday, I pointed out her ears were yellow (Parent assumed it was from medication that goes into her ears, and sibling doubted they were yellow- probably didn't check). The vet at the hospital today said otherwise and did an ultrasound. A mass has been found in her liver, possible cancer. We are still getting an US done at our vet on Tuesday (and probably a biopsy).  At her age, it's not going to be something good. 
          Our family and I love this cat near and dear. She grew up with us and was the queen of the household. She was sweet, rarely hissed, loved going outside, and comforted us in the roughest times. She helped me while going through flare-ups and anxiety. I hate seeing her in this state for days. I am happy that I spent most of my days home alone with her while working. Losing her will be losing my support pillar. It will be hell for me if she does go.
          I will still update MMG, but it will be slow (nothing new). I am adjusting the outline of the next chapter. I am not going to give up on it since there are only a few chapters left. I will keep you posted. 


@AceOfHorrors I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your cat makes a speedy recovery. I'm here if you want to talk.


@AceOfHorrors I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always so hard when a pet is sick. I recently lost one of my guinea pigs and it was really hard on everyone in my family.  I'll be hoping your cat makes a recovery and isn't in pain, just let me know if you need to talk about anything and I'll be here.
            Best of luck for you and your family


Wattpad is deleting DMs soon. Therefore, I am going to be sharing my social. Please state you're from Wattpad; otherwise, I am less likely to reply. 
          X (Least active): RavenSilence1 (Marialynn Voltaire)
          Instagram: magick_raven_nightcrow (Ace Melee)
          Discord: draegnoria (Dragon Priestess of Vhentaion). 
          Other Media:
          YouTube: Alauress 
          Inkitt: Ace Melee
          Vocal Media: Ace Melee
          Medium: Ace Melee 
          Quotev: AceOfHorrors
          The reasons for removing DMs are unknown, but I can speculate greed or inappropriate DMs. I am aware there is a block and a report button, but if there is a major inflow of reports or not a lot of staff, reports won't get read (or they're just dismissing them). Hence, there are books of people sharing DMs because they keep getting bullied or inappropriate messages (leaking DMs of people without consent breaks Wattpad's TOS, too). As someone who did have online stalkers, they can just create more accounts to bother you even if you block and report them. If this is the case, we are getting punished by creeps' actions.
          I am very close to moving on from Wattpad. I am starting to document my books as early as 2015. 


@AceOfHorrors And if anyone needs help, I have her Discord. She can link my discord as well if you want to contact her.


Tomorrow, Wattpad's new guidelines will be in place. They installed a new AI to scan books to find content that breaks TOS. As far as I know, the AI has an IQ of pie and has deleted and shadowbanned books, along with removing accounts. They give no warning, nor do they give you your deleted books. They also don't tell you why your book was flagged. In my opinion, I believe actual moderators should check the book that the AI flags. 
          Moreover, the age of consent was raised from 16 to 18. Therefore, if your books have peeps bonking, make sure they are eighteen. Since our books don't have scenes with characters under eighteen going at it, we will leave it unedited. We are still wary because there are minor characters that undergo traumatic experiences. The world is messed up, and minors aren't immune to it. I don't promote evil deeds and prefer to point out these issues. If anyone here experiences pleasure from people's and kids' suffering, then get away from me. If a book gets deleted, oh well, even if some aren't backed up.  If my account is deleted, I will be angry and move on. I have other accounts on different sites. 
          There are many things I want to say, but that will break the posting character limit. 
          -Ace Melee


@JustCodee Same here-- nothing new. 


@AceOfHorrors I probably will be fine, but considering the luck I can have with these things... it isn't out of pocket.


I forgot to add this- I am going to make a bet too. Lol!


I am spending more time on MMG's chapter because chapters will be shorter, and I want to finish it. 
          I also try not to use premium Grammarly to see how well I do without it. I don't want to rely on it, and Grammarly takes away the emotions and personality out of the story. If you see errors, don't worry. I am going to check it over before pressing complete.


Dear Readers, 
          If you noticed our books getting deleted, Wattpad is on a deleting spree, including Wattpad accounts. As far as I know, MMG, Entropy, BT: RE, are backed up on Google Docs and Inkitt. Right now, none of our works are deleted. Plus, I have it some of them on Inkitt.  
          I am back at home. I was at the hospital because of severe lower left abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills, and a fever. Since my family has a history of Diverticulitis and perforated bowel, the doctor told me to go to the ER. Something did rupture, but it wasn't my intestines, suspecting ovarian cyst rupture. Still feeling some effects, but not as bad as two days ago.
          -Ace Melee


@AceOfHorrors just so you know, it took me about ten days to recover- but mine was so bad it was almost surgery. Rest ass much as you can, take things slow, there’s really nothing else you can do. Thinking about you xoxo.


@AceOfHorrors I've had a cyst rupture before. It was horrific. Thinking about you and wishing you a swift recovery.