
My newest chapter of Don't Forget Me is up! 
          	PSA Don't Forget Me is the old Head Above Water, I just added a title that goes better towards the plot and added some scenes!
          	With the new editing and added scenes, the new title just felt right!
          	Please check it out and let me know what you think <3


My newest chapter of Don't Forget Me is up! 
          PSA Don't Forget Me is the old Head Above Water, I just added a title that goes better towards the plot and added some scenes!
          With the new editing and added scenes, the new title just felt right!
          Please check it out and let me know what you think <3


Thanks for the follow. If you don't mind me asking, why did you follow me? :)


@AdriannaDJordan97 oh yeah sure. We're definitely going to be frnds :)


@13fantasies I just love supporting other readers and writers! I hope we can we can be friends (:


Thanks for you're following, If you don't mind I'd love it if you check out my works and support them with your vote, comments, and feedback thank you...
          Have a nice day...❣


@MehrajUnnisa7 i for sure will! And I hope you'll do the same (:


Been working really hard on both my works Head Under Water and Crime of Passion! I hope you guys can go over and take a look and give me some feedback <3 I also love doing the same!
          I hope you guys are doing well!
          Have thanksgiving plans? Let's hear them!!!


          You have a very impressive profile. I love that you have shared your imagination with writing stories on Wattpad .. and that you have always wanted to write. Your a great inspiration. Me; I love to read and support you and others on Wattpad, I think most people who love to read want to write their own stories, well at least I would love to write, but I don’t have a good imagination lol ;-))) Thanks…!!! for your follow. Hope you don’t mind I followed you back. I always follow back so I can get your post or updates on my notifications and I hope to check out your story and share comments. Have a grrreat weekend and thanks again:-)))❤️


@debrlynn Thank you so much! That is seriously awesome! I hope whenever you get some extra time you might check my story out! I LOVE feedback! Thank you for the folly <3


Okay  guys, so after 5 years of writers block, I AM BACK! I am so excited to be back. I decided to pick up my Head Above Water, but before I go ahead I am editing previous chapters. I would love advice and tips! 
          I look forward to your feedback! (:


@Neiljhart Thank you very much!


@AdriannaDJordan97 Good luck, Adrianna. And welcome back to writing!