
Just a little US Election Eve appetizer to help everyone take out their pent up anger. Would that I could read this to him! 


Hi guys, great to be be back again! Thank you for all your well wishes for Brian (my wonderful soul mate and husband of 26 years...all the love poems of mine are always about him) and me. I do have a chronic health condition, but recently I got on a new (to me) medication that seems to be working pretty great! So hopefully this time for good, as I love my Wattpad community, and reading all the works you guys pen. 
          Brian himself is on the road to recovery (sepsis from a recent surgery) from a week in the hospital not too long ago. He does have other health stuff to go through fairly regularly, poor guy, as he is disabled, though it does not interfere with his piano teaching, or our wonderful life together. Luckily, he has fantastic doctors, too. 
          Glad to have my life back again! I can't wait to start reading everyone's writing again. Thanks for everyone who stuck with me while I was gone. I am writing a few political satire pieces, some of which are scathing, what with the attempted fascist takeover America and all. I posted one already. I meant it with the same purpose in mind that Johnathan Swift had when he wrote "A Modest Proposal" (though it is nothing like his either in brilliance or general style). 
          A word of note, fellow Americans, please don't be offended at these. I criticize not because I hate my country (I don't), but because She is ailing and I want Her to get better.
          Glad to be back everybody. I hope you guys are doing as well as can be expected during Mademoiselle Pandemique. Stay safe.


Good evening ☺ when u going to update ure tounge twister s. Ure awsome ☺ u last updated 2014  please write some more.  And make me happy by reading my short stories vote and comment.  Have a good day ☺ 


                hi, im still here 
                this my 2nd home, 
                 yes I would luv some more tounge twisters.  im not good at technology but I get by.
            glad to have u back. 


@elephant44 Hi! I am newly back on Wattpad, and I saw you wanted more of these a long time ago. If you are still around, I did another tingly tongue twister for you called "Vote for Haircuts in 2020." I am trying to learn the Wattpad app on my phone for the first time, so it might be simpler for you to look for it than it will be for me to try and send the link, as I am officially technologically ungifted.  I am glad you like them!