
My Re:zero story officially hit ten thousand views!!!  I really can't express how grateful I am to all of you. At first, I only started writing because I wanted to see how I would do doing something like this, but as time went by, it started to become a lot of fun, especially responding and interacting with you in the comments! 
          	Saying that, as a "celebration" I'm going to do a Q&A (Questions and answers) about my story and my personal life (even though it's nothing special...) Ahem. As along is something that I can respond to, I will!
          	So, ask me questions, and I'll answer them in a separate chapter!


@ Yuki62770 Se eu dissesse seria um spoiler,  mas acho que vale a pena esperar.


@ AkiraGx007  o nosso prota tbm vai receber as autotidades? Ou vai viver na base de contratos?


Hi AkiraGx007 I was wondering about something regarding your Rezero story. How many girls will be in the harem and who will they be? From what I saw Rem and Priscilla are pretty much confirmed and Ram is a possibility in the future but I’m wondering if there are any other girls you plan on having in the harem for this Rezero story.


@ Explor0  There will be more, but I will answer better in the Q&A


My Re:zero story officially hit ten thousand views!!!  I really can't express how grateful I am to all of you. At first, I only started writing because I wanted to see how I would do doing something like this, but as time went by, it started to become a lot of fun, especially responding and interacting with you in the comments! 
          Saying that, as a "celebration" I'm going to do a Q&A (Questions and answers) about my story and my personal life (even though it's nothing special...) Ahem. As along is something that I can respond to, I will!
          So, ask me questions, and I'll answer them in a separate chapter!


@ Yuki62770 Se eu dissesse seria um spoiler,  mas acho que vale a pena esperar.


@ AkiraGx007  o nosso prota tbm vai receber as autotidades? Ou vai viver na base de contratos?


Cool story man, don't let fellas rush you otherwise.


@ Revulsion  The chapter is currently at five thousand words, there are still a few things left to finish. So I'll probably post it today!


@ Revulsion  Understood, you can leave it to me!


AkiraGx007 well I guess not subaru make problem but y/n make problem with challenge julius to battle but I think y/n will win using his time power and his akra upgrade


@ TheWitchSimp  this is one of the reasons.


@AkiraGx007 I think he's just testing his current strength.


@ Irwantanusi  Y/N's goal isn't exactly to win.


this message may be offensive
I was thinking... I want to create a classroom of the elite story, and a danganronpa story in the future, but the problem is... I'M DUMB AS FUCK, I don't think I could do new class trials or investigations intelligently. Let alone Cote, my IQ is too low for that.


@ AkiraGx007  I'll try to read them this next week. But don't tell they are pretty bad. You have at least written something, which is better than most. ^.^ so be proud of it. Besides, i haven't seen any other re:zero story, so that's a + for you!


@ Architect_11  The first chapters of my Re:zero story are pretty bad, especially because I only rewritten them once and it was a long time ago. From chapter 5 or 6 onwards, I believe that the writing has at least a slight improvement. But, Thank you very much for your help! If I need any more advice I will happily ask!


@ AkiraGx007  Pleasure! Not that I'm the best writing, because I am far from it, but if you need help or wanna check something, I am here if you need it!! I'll make sure to check your story and see about it! Good luck with the writing. And, even though I haven't read anything yours yet, I am sure it's good, so keep it up! ^^
            And I'm glad you like my story ^.^