
Hi! I just wanted to give everyone a minute update in case anyone was wondering, "hey, what happened to AlcinaMystic?" 
          	I have been working on multiple projects over the past two years which I am hoping to get traditionally published. They are a new book set in the world of Shatter Like Glass (which I haven't achieved much progress on) and an anime-inspired superhero murder mystery series of which I have almost 200K words in total. That will be trimmed down and split into multiple books, and hopefully, there will be some updates for that soon. I know my writing group is really hoping that story will have an ending soon, lol. 
          	I also have been launching my own small Etsy business selling enamel pins inspired by Taylor Swift's music. In addition to that and grad school, I unfortunately haven't had as much time to put towards my writing as I would've liked, but I hope that within the next year the superhero/anime story and something in the world of Shatter Like Glass will have some positive updates to share. 
          	Thank you so much for supporting me for so long! I'm hoping to get more active on here as my life calms down a little. I really appreciate the love you guys have shown my stories and hope to pay it forward!


Hi! I just wanted to give everyone a minute update in case anyone was wondering, "hey, what happened to AlcinaMystic?" 
          I have been working on multiple projects over the past two years which I am hoping to get traditionally published. They are a new book set in the world of Shatter Like Glass (which I haven't achieved much progress on) and an anime-inspired superhero murder mystery series of which I have almost 200K words in total. That will be trimmed down and split into multiple books, and hopefully, there will be some updates for that soon. I know my writing group is really hoping that story will have an ending soon, lol. 
          I also have been launching my own small Etsy business selling enamel pins inspired by Taylor Swift's music. In addition to that and grad school, I unfortunately haven't had as much time to put towards my writing as I would've liked, but I hope that within the next year the superhero/anime story and something in the world of Shatter Like Glass will have some positive updates to share. 
          Thank you so much for supporting me for so long! I'm hoping to get more active on here as my life calms down a little. I really appreciate the love you guys have shown my stories and hope to pay it forward!


          I'm a really big fan of your work (The Rivals Saga). 
          You don't seem to have been very active for almost two years, and I just wanted to reach out and ask if you're doing okay? 
          Maybe life has gotten in the way of your writing (I know mine does for me) or maybe its something else entirely. But what ever it is, I just wanted to say thank you! 
          Thank you for your inspirational courage (sharing openly your Christianity on a site with so many diverse views). 
          Thank you for writing the Rivals Saga (or at least Shatter Like Glass)–reading that book has truly inspired me in my writing journey and I hope that I can someday weave a story as amazing as yours. 
          If you ever need to talk, just message me.
          May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 
          Have a wonderful day.


@Kay_Weda Aww, thank you so much! :) I have been busy, but fortunately I haven't had to put aside my writing entirely. I have some projects I'm going to be traditionally publishing at some point which I have been working on. I have also been considering self-publishing SLG if I can get it to a point where I'm truly satisfied with the story/world. Thank you so much for reaching out!


          2 Samuel 22:29
          You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light
          Happy Sunday!! May God be with you!!


@Designschool Aww, thanks! I love meeting fellow Christians and Christian writers here! :)


@HaltArratay21 You're welcome! Glad to hear it!


2 Corinthians 4:16-18
          So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen
          Happy Sunday! May the Lord be with you! 


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
          —Proverbs 3:5-6
          Happy Sunday!! I’m hoping to upload a chapter of the SLG sequel sometime this week!


@AlcinaMystic I remember having to memorize this passage for one of my Middle School Bible Classes. They gave us a different passage each semester/quarter (can't remember) and then they put it on the final too!