
Hey folks, if anyone would like to apply to be my mentee for the Wattys Bootcamp, please fill out the form here: 


@AlecHutson I would like you to be my mentor. I will fill in the form. Thank you and looking forward to it. 


Ohh.. how is Shanghai? 
          Can't wait for your next book!!


@ClavarTroy sent you message!!!


@ClavarTroy Shanghai is terrific, love it here. I live in the heart of the French Concession, kind of the old colonial area. Curious, if you don't mind me asking - are you asking about a new Wattpad book, or my published books?


Hey folks, if anyone would like to apply to be my mentee for the Wattys Bootcamp, please fill out the form here: 


@AlecHutson I would like you to be my mentor. I will fill in the form. Thank you and looking forward to it. 


I'm thrilled to announce that I am a mentor for the Wattys Bootcamp this year. It is a unique mentorship program that gets your story polished and ready for Wattys submission. All information can be found under the @BootcampMentors profile, so check it out. You could earn yourself 3 months of mentoring with a Wattpad Star or published author and create a Wattys submission worthy of greatness!  More info can be found here:


Hey Alec! Just checked out Twilight's End, and I love it! However there's only 9 parts here on Wattpad and I was wondering if it's a finished story and you have the rest of it somewhere else for purchase? I'd happily buy it as it's already piqued my interest. Thanks for your time! 


@ErynnGrelle2 Oh, thank you, Erynn! Such kind words. You read to the end of the novella, although I've always had plans to go back and expand the story. I had a whole other plot mapped out as Vessa tries to track down her mirror double, whose escape was hinted at in the end there. Maybe someday I'll get back to it! If you like my writing, I do have some books on Amazon. The first in that series is called The Crimson Queen. Also, so sorry about the typos in this story - when I copied it into Wattpad some words mysteriously got erased. I need to go back and fill them all in. :-P


The Wattys Spirit is in the air. Can you feel it? This year, due to the new rules and amazing prizes, polishing your submission is more important than ever. That’s why some of the Wattpad Stars and published authors have come together to bring you the Wattys 2020 Bootcamp, a unique mentorship program hosted by @BootcampMentors . For information, follow this link:


Greetings!! Congrats on the success of your Amazon sold book, looks like things are going well for you! And in that regard I was hoping I wouldn't bother you with some questions. I haven't looked too deep into this whole amazon style book publishing thing but how does it differ from wattpad? Aside from readers buying your book, of course! For example does it tell you certain amount of reads you're getting or views, or rather how does one gain attention for even trying to begin an amazon book? Thank you in advance!


@AlecHutson Sorry, beautiful books.


@adrianrojas666 I use Vellum to turn my word documents into beautiful documents. Check it out.


@adrianrojas666 thanks for all the lovely information it's been helpful especially since I have my own novel all but ready though one struggle I've been finding is deciding how to work on margins since I do plan to publish through print--any suggestions? I know the Internet is also a tool I could use for this but even as it is I've searched around and find that I don't find what I'm looking for in terms of assistance 