
I have more or less moved over to AO3(archive of our own). I have new stories and I post there more than here, so if you want to catch up on stuff I've written:


I don't care that my mouth will hurt really bad, I want the numbness gone. Its freaking me out and I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack, which is NOT ideal after oral surgery, no matter how minor.


Guess. What. You. Guys?!
          You guys should watch out on Christmas Day/Eve/Day After(depends on where you live) because something is going to be coming out as my thank you to you guys for tolerating my hiatus/depression! It's a whole new short story AU for Sanders Sides! It's only 5 chapters plus a few drabbles but I think you'll like it. I have it planned to publish the first chapter on my Christmas day(25 Dec), but due to time zones it may be the day before or after for you. 


@Alien-Slushie Cool! Can't wait to read it!